Pre-purchase Question

i want to build the MPCNC and add several tools extruder cnc head laser and others which controller would you all recommend i am new to all this but very excited to get started

Thanks in advance

Mini rambo has 3 drivers, which is good enough for XYZ and E. The Rambo has 5 and can do dual endstops (2X, 2Y, Z) or extruder (XYZ, E). Skr Pro has 6 drivers, so it can do dual and extruder, but I don’t know if anyone has tried it.

Ryan in this topic did a bit of comparison using a laser between the Rambo and the SKR Pro. The SKR Pro has a 32-bit processor with built-in math support, so it is able to handle the laser at a somewhat faster rate. I don’t think you will see any difference when milling. The SKR Pro is a newer additions to the V1 store. It comes with a TFT screen, which many people like, but has been a source of some troubleshooting at times on the forum.

Thank you I appreciate your info

Thank you I appreciate it I will give it a try