Portable mpcnc?

I am currently printing parts and planning the next steps.

due to limited shop space I am searching for the right place. Currently with my planer and router, I store them in a shelf and move them out as needed.

can I build a 30x18 inch (aprox 76 x 45 cm mpcnc, and move it to my workspace as needed?

I don’t see why not. Mount it to a single MDF board and it wouldn’t be too heavy to lift/move.

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I was thinking 2x4x0.75 plywood…

You may find that even with routed handles on the ends 4" is going to be a bit of a stretch to grab and carry. Do you really need 30"? That’s awfully big for an MPCNC.

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Here’s the one I just built. Hard to tell the plywood frame from table



What size is your build?

I put my 8x10 teeny tiny on a board and move it where I need to.
