Pocket issues

My gantry had a slight twist when I first assembled it. I loosened all the XZ assembly screws a bit, then lowered the gantry until the XZ assembly was sitting on the upper Z roller wheel things, poked at it until both XZ assemblies were sitting FLAT on those upper Z roller wheel things, and then snugged it all back up. Seems to have done the trick.

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Thanks, Pete! I’ll be sure to give that a go on the reassemble.

Definitely do what @Paradox_Pete is suggesting, because that was also my case. I had tightened up my XZ Assemblies, too much. It just threw everything out of whack. I loosened everything up and everything kinda fell into place. Pay alot of attention to the XZ & XZ Side Belt parts. It was only after I clamped them down did I read that there’s supposed to be an equal gap between all 4 corners… so RTFM for sure lol

ALSO! One more thing to point out. And I may be wrong, it’s happened once or twice in 45 years… But the tensioners on each roller assembly… I never really tightened those. I got the nut run up on them, and left them alone. I did add a little tension to the Lower ZA and Lower ZB, but that’s just because the pieces were kinda wobbly.

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I have a habit of looking at all the parts that should have gaps when people submit pictures.

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I think that is the hardest part to make in the instructions. The subtleties of all the connections. You want them as loose as possible while still doing the job…unlike most things (cars, ikea furniture) you want it as tight as possible before something just before it breaks.

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Ryan, are you talking all connections or just on the XZ assembly ?

Second question if I may, I have duel end stops on mine and I would like to drill a 3mm hole in the Y plate to accommodate the wires. Is there, or where would be the best place to add the set of holes on the Y plate that wouldn’t effect the ridgity of the plate ?

All the connections.

Y plate, as long as you are not near the Z rail bolts you will be fine. Screwing something on is probably a better idea though.

Thank you.