Please send me the M3 x 10mm screws I purchased

Nope, it was completely my fault. I’m sure no one meant any offense. I wish I had gotten to this thread earlier. Rough situation we are all in and text can easily be misinterpreted.

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Not sure why you’re taking that as an offense, didn’t mean it this way at all… I was merely suggesting you an alternate way while waiting for Ryan to send these out and trying to motivate you to not pause your build…

Anyway, I’m out of here, won’t bother you anymore.

Living in a metric country I could totally send you a box of assortments for free so you are sorted.

There are a lot of people here every day. We can’t solve the problem the way you wanted (Ryan is though). So we were suggesting alternative solutions. There are also a lot of different cultures, and it may seem like Dui is being a bit harsh, but it is really just his way of being casual, and direct.

Regarding how big a problem finding M3 screws are. I think it is much easier anywhere outside the US. For one thing, OP has said that they live in a rural area. At least in Colorado, rural areas may be an hour drive to the grocery store, let alone a hardware store. Add to that, Home depot doesn’t carry metric screws smaller than M4, and even that selection is pretty small.

No one intended offense, but I feel your pain Mike.

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No worries… it’s all good.

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