PID -Hardware needed for a software fix

I have not designed anything like that yet, sorry!

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Anyone made this but to suit LR3?
Preferably want it screwed using the existing core or Makita holder. I have Doug’s magnetic holder in place to.
Anyone got something or able to make something for me to be 3D printed. Not good at designing 3D prints.
I have same setup as this pictured if that helps.(not actually mine)

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Iam currently working on a PID Controller for my Katsu spindle. What happened to this Project? Ist IT stopped?

The new routers have software built in that makes this nearly obsolete. We can not set a specific RPM but the rpm we do set is maintained and this is all that is really important.

Which routers are you referring to?

The recommended makita 700 series and dewalt 611.

Gotcha. I assume the stabilisation works with a current Feedback opamp.
Anyway - I will stick to the plan, having a gcode Controlled and rpm stable spindle for cheap :slight_smile: