Pause doesn’t work on LCD screen

Tested some cut today, then tried the pause button on the lcd, one side of the z step motor seems lost power and crushed down. The stop button works fine and hold its position no problem. Any ideas? Thx in advance.

I’m using skr pro, vcarve pro with Marlin_mm_test5 pp

Here is another topic dealing with pause issues from the TFT. I’m assuming you tried pausing from the touch screen. Apparently the TFT firmware does more than just pause. As a test, put your display in Marlin mode (press and hold the knob for a couple of seconds). Run your job in this mode (in the air is fine), and pause the job. For me, the job just stops once the pause has worked to the front of the queue, and I believe the steppers are still engaged.

Assuming the issue is the TFT code as I suspect, the only fix is to modify the firmware for the TFT.

Thanks, I’ll try it in Marlin mode and report back.