Off topic printer help

Yeah well, the filament wouldn’t feed in to the extruder, so I took the fan off and saw it was moving the wrong way. I turned off the power, flipped the plug, turned the power back on, and now the stepper shaft just wiggles back and forth when I tell it to move. The extruder motor works properly when I plug swap it with an xy motor, and the xy motor. The USB cable was still plugged in :crazy_face:
I’m not sure what else it could be but that I popped the driver.

Sounds like you found the problem. To me :slight_smile:

Sounds like a loose grub screw! Or a loose wire.


Lol, grub screws!
Not sure what’s wrong with me, but I had to keep swapping the plugs over and over just because.
Fifth try and it just started working, so there’s that…


Looks like butt, too.

First print… At least it was growing. It will get there.

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WooHoo! It’s alive! That’s exciting!

From that short video it didn’t sound horrible loud. Glad to hear you didn’t cook the E stepper driver. :blush:


Funny story, actually. One of the xy motors has a loose grub screw. I was gonna start the print again to check it out, and the skirts were all over the place so I killed it. I’ll tighten that up in the morning, but I chuckled.

Yeah, it’s about as loud as I’d imagine a dozen of my ender 3s if they eye all on full tilt in the same small room. I think my phone was doing some sound leveling because my kids were being sorta loud too.
I expect it to get a lot more manageable when I put the door and lid on. I’ve also got plenty of room for foam and stuff in the inside if I need to.


And just like that, it worked. Guess I need to get the last two panels on. Got a build plate coming on Sunday, so maybe I’ll get to try out the abs plastic.


That looks like it is humming right along!

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And on to abs. If I’d tried this on the ender, I wouldn’t have made it past the third layer.
I don’t know what’s going on here. After a couple tests, the only thing I changed was the nozzle size. The “0.4” nozzle is closer to 0.6. Picked up a new build surface, so I need to set the z offset. Otherwise, it’s just WORKING. Super weird.
Never mind the glare. I haven’t cut plexi for the door yet, so I taped up some cling wrap.


Still pushing this little guy. I had a roll of petg that just didn’t like to run on my ender 3. Can’t even remember what I bought it for, honestly. I was down to something like 10mm/s for walls and infill, set the temp at 260, and STILL the extruder misses steps. I thought it might have something to do with the direct drive mod not being aligned properly, but it handles pla just fine.
Anyway, I needed to make some clips for wife’s desk drawer, so I figured “good time for a test” set the speed at 20mm/s wall, 40mm/s on the infill (oh boy, I’m gonna Push this thing, lol) and boom. Like a champ, zero problems. I turned the speed up 30 percent, then shot this video. I could probably turn it up a bunch more, but I want to actually finish some parts.
Got some flexible filament coming soon, too.
As long as I thought about this, I’m glad I did it. Good chance I’m gonna get in there and figure out how to make the box smaller and build another one. Add some lights and a bl touch to the next version.

Edit: sitting here watching this printer and I remembered what the petg was for…this printer. I wasn’t sure how warm the parts would get inside, so I skipped the pla.

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Soooo, I bought a bunch of stuff from the shop, including an e3 dip and some tmc2208s that I was gonna pop in the old ender, but in between ordering the stuff and getting the stuff I decided to make it a diode laser only getup, which (for me) means grbl.
So I took a crack at popping the board onto this printer instead. Only took me two nights lol.
I may come back at some point and figure out the uart, but for now I’m super impressed with how quiet it got.

Used to be able to hear it through the walls.

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Just need to sort that RB211 now :slight_smile:

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Lol, it sounds soooooo loud in the video. It’s just that everything else was so quiet. Close the door and I almost can’t hear it.

Since this is the only place I’ve posted anything about this printer, it’s just as good a place as any to report that somewhere between closing cura after a printer and opening cura back up a few hours later, something happened to the firmware on my E3DIP. Couldn’t get it to do anything at all, and I was worried that my board failed.

Turns out, THINKING you have the firmware backed up isn’t the same thing as HAVING the firmware backed up. So, I got to build it from scratch, making a ton of mistakes along the way. Wrong revision for the chip, various defaults changed in Marlin (bed thermistor value and y stepper direction to name a couple). Ended up taking me 6 hours to identify and resolve all the problems and get everything calibrated back up. Good thing this isn’t my day job, lol.

On a lighter note, the first time I did all that was on my laptop and it took between 6 and 7 minutes to compile marlin each time I needed to make a change. Since it’s so hot out in the garage already I did most of the work on my PC and it took 16 seconds for each iteration. Ryzen 9 3900X for the WIN! I guess VSC and Platformio really like those 12 cores. It’s one of the few things I’ve done that have been able to push the CPU to 100%, so that’s always a little fun.

Also figured out that I misread the comments in Marlin the first time around about hiding the SD card, so now I can slice a model and save the gcode straight to the onboard sd card, then launch from the printer instead of either streaming over USB or jockeying a micro SD back and forth.

And the firmware bin and marlin source are BOTH backed up to my dropbox now.


Yeah. If anyone can figure out how to use all your cpus, it is the authors of compilers and build systems. I have a ton of tricks set up for faster compiling on my work projects. It really adds up. Not just the 5 mins per change, but it is so easy to get distracted or lose track of what changes if it take 5 mins to compile. Sometimes it is literally 1 line changed between builds, so if it takes 5 mins, it is 99%+ of my time spent waiting for a compiler. My laptop sounds like a jet when I compile, the fans just turn on 100% immediately.


Just yesterday I was wondering how many days ,weeks,months of my life have been spent waiting for a computer to finish work. It’s a scary thought.


Depending on how much of the time your eyes were open you can only count the open eye time :crazy_face: