Now I can blame Ryan when I screw this up again!

Usually, the blowing snow doesn’t bug me so much until drifts start creeping over the road so there are little 12" bumps that can’t be plowed fast enough before regrowing.

Ya’ll can keep all that white stuff up there.

When I think of skiing, I think of a lake, a boat, and bikinis. Only hazards there are drinking too much and forgetting to put on sun tan lotion.


My practically albino skin burns from just thinking about direct sunlight. I’ve been cursed with the complexion of a ginger.

I agree wholeheartedly!!! Keep that white stuff up there… it was 82 today and will be 85 tomorrow. :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

There’s a word for someone walking around here burnt to a crisp… tourist! Lol

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It’s not all bad.

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If I’m waterskiing and fall down, all I get is wet and a chance to float while I wait for the boat to come get me… If I fall down while snow skiing I tumble until I hit a tree :slight_smile:

But I will admit, I did enjoy it the few times I’ve gone.

The nice thing about the cold is you can dress for it. Eventually they call the police on you when it gets really hot.


It is beautiful. Used to ski Pico in Vermont. After 45 years of it, I was done with it. Pulled up stakes and went to a place I’ll never be cold again!

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Odd thing… seemingly coldest I’ve ever been – San Diego. Navy boot camp… company waiting for turn in chow hall… pre-dawn, in formation, at parade rest, middle of the grinder, strong sea breezes, sadistic company commander, and uniform of the day did not include jacket :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Here’s a photo of my back yard after the blizzard last week.

For scale, the kid is about 6ft tall, and this portion of my yard is usually flat.


Gotta love drifts! We had a few snows that allowed me to walk onto my roof in AK.


Don’t miss that… traded in the white snow for white sand and palm trees!


That’s me trying not to fall through the drift while clearing the furnace intake/exhaust.

I fell through shortly after and filled my boot.

It’s going to be 80F in Denver tomorrow. I am hoping to get on my bike (pedal kind, not motor kind).

There’s a good chance for more snow here tomorrow and through the weekend.

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You guys can keep it in that part of the state :rofl:

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Stay warm!

Yea, done with that!


Hiked it. Liked it.

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And now we get this … I guess I’ll have plenty of garage the time to get the core taken apart and replaced.

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