New MPCNC for 2020! - Primo -

Sounds good! :+1:

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Hooray!! Thanks Ryan

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Everything got too big?

Yes. Too big, would not fit in a single box so shipping would get expensive and had more CAD issue than the regular 3/4".

Everything is done and printing, I am making edits as I see them happen on the printer so I should have something in less than a week if all goes well.


Awesome, I look forward to it. I’m sure it will be at least a week before my burly is done, then on to primo😀


Truck V1 and Truck Mirrored V1 are live for the 25 and 25.4mm sizes.

Just added a 1mm stepper pad to avoid long screw/thin print issues.


Well dammit. I found an error in my model.

That is the gantry clamp bolt hole on the core (this is the 23.5mm version). That black dashed line is the center of the bearing where the center of the bolt hole should be. The center of the hole is actually defined by the wrong point. All 3 models are wrong.

All three models are wrong but the error is so tiny on the 25.4mm version I missed it. It is a little worse on the 25mm version, we have a few complaints about loose gantry rails and a few that work fine (they probably have poorly calibrated printers). It is real bad on the 23.5mm version.

I am pulling all the affected parts and will update them ASAP.

If you have a 25.4mm version you have no need to change it, I am just updating them so they are correct. 25mm versions should probably reprint them (core and gantry clamps) Sorry everyone.

23.5mm parts will be correct when released.


Well shit. I will somehow try to mess with it a bit so it fits. My tongues look good, though my squaring is off again. -_- I will do some test cuts this evening and see in how far it affects accuracy.
But great you caught it, thanks for all the work!

Sorry for the hassle, that is why I hate releasing things blind and I always print and build before I release anything normally.


All fixed up, I am going to print and test the 23.5mm core before I release the 25mm parts just in case I missed something else.

So 9+hours.

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Does this mean “core” and “gantry clamps” - or “core clamps” and “gantry clamps”?

I think it is “core” and “core clamps (that go on the gantry)”. :smiley:
The 9 hours print time confuse me though. That’d be a fast core. :stuck_out_tongue:

I was hoping he is referring to the clamps… I’m all out of the light color used for the core. Perhaps some kind of makeshift adapter can solve it… or maybe I should just get some more PLA of the right kind.

I printed 3 well actually 3.5 cores I have an eclectic primo

Well I am updating the Core, Core clamps (While these are different I do not think they are noticeably different, the largest error was on the core), core Z clamps (I do not believe these changed but I am updating them just to be safe as they are part of the same model).

My core prints in 9 hours (0.5mm nozzle), and the other parts will be printing on other printers.

If you have a 25mm core, a user made modified core clamps that will make it work as is ( I think),


Is this error on one or several clamps?


But if you want to use the core with the errors you will need 4 of the modified clamps.

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I saw those in another thread. I think losing 1.5cm of space is not an issue for me with 55x75cm workspace at the moment and it is a lot cheaper than printing a whole new core. Plus less shouting at the kids if they go near it while printing a core. :smiley:

Did anyone else try those modified clamps?

/edit: @vicious1 You didn’t seem too happy with the modified clamps because of the missing Y clamp. Do you see the possibility of altering the Y clamp the same way the others have been altered as a quick and dirty fix for those who don’t want to reprint the core?


Yeah - I just checked the PLA leftovers, and I don’t have anything at all left for sticking to my color combo, not for a new print, nor only the clamps. Well well - function over beauty!! Would the modified clamps provide the same mechanical precision in the end product?? (other than loosing 15mm)

In the other thread the guy says it did help him and his friends as far as I understood him right.