New MPCNC 2'x2' Build ABQ

Just bought a course in F360 on udemy, hopefully I can make something as nice as yours

Its a powerful software! Coupled with 3D printing you could make a ton of stuff.

I know just enough to get by and a lot of my work feels hacky to me, but as you use it more you start to get the hang of it!

I used this website yesterday to make 2 tongue and grove boxes to use as a little end mill drawer:


Im currently using 123D Design as its powerful but also damned easy. Need to spend time on F360…

How exactly did you cut the inside corners of that box on your CNC???

The website has this cool setting where you can tell it the diameter of the bit you’re using so the finger joints line up really well.

I’ve got a ton of 3/16th in plywood so i just put in that thickness and have been making a ton of stuff with it using this site. Once i have the box shape I want I can go into fusion and add extra holes or shapes to the box so that I can make flower boxes or electronics cases!

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Made this one last night! Wife drew the tree and I cut it out using 4 sheets of 22"x22" plywood. Hardest part was planning all these cuts in Fusion because it was scaled up so large and my computer was struggling.

Wanted some cool lighting behind my desk but it turned out to be a huge pain to solder all the LED strips up so I only have a few branches lit up but i really like how it turned out!


That’s really cool. I think with the backlighting it looks like a lightning strike if you turn it upside down

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Cool project, I like it.

I think it needs LED backlit leaves though… 8^)

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That is a summer project :slight_smile:


Start small and light in spring and work you way to summers leafy green


That looks amazing.

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Here’s another photo of a sign my wife drew. I was struggling trying to figure out how to get the small details on the wreath with the V-bit. I did a trace operation in fusion and was able to get a very nice outline and I did the Engrave operation for the text.

I really like how it turned out! I need more wood so i can make nicer stuff (this is scrap finish grade plywood).


Albuquerque!!! This is so awesome! I built the ZenXY table last week and just received most of the components to build a MPCNC. Heck yeah!!!

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Hi everyone,
I’m just starting to build the MPCNC , 25 mm version and I need some help. Can I use arduino with CNC shield insted of mini rambo? If yes, can someone help me how to connect 5 stepper motor to it? I have to clone the motors?
Thanks for the answer :slight_smile:

You can. Use series wiring for the cloned motors.

Thank you very much for the quick ansfer. Have a nice day