New LR with mini-rambo not working

It is plugged in the right place. I did not connect it to Estlcam until after it would work with RepetierHost. I will be out of town for a few days, so I not be working on until I get Back. I will reflash the board then. I did not want to try it before because I did know if it would work

I’m back and am ready to flash the mini-rambo 1.3a with the firmware and before I screw it up. which firmware version do I need for the lowrider. thanks

I tried to use the LCD but it does not work . I have tried switching the wires but all I get is either a dark screen or the screen lights up but is blank.

Try flipping the cables 180. You’ll need to shave off the key tab. Sometimes the plugs on the display get put on backwards. You can also use a small flat head screwdriver to pry the plugs off and put them back on the other way.

I tried that and it did not work. When the screen lights up but nothing on the screen does that mean that the board has not been flashed with the firmware? If I need to flash the mini-rambo 1.3a with the firmware and before I screw it up. which firmware version do I need for the lowrider and no end stops. thanks



I flashed the board and it now works with RepetierHost.but the LCD is not working. It goes between to screen when you push the knob. Turning the knob doesn’t do any


Are both wires twisted the same way? The button and the turning come on different pins. So it may still be a wiring issue.

I tried every which ways but loose. It is either off or just the screens as shown.