New Build Jersey Channel Islands

That’s the 2, but the 1 doesn’t show the endstop pins. I am guessing they are the same.

You want to connect (-) to the bit and (s) to the spatula or whatever you’re driving the bit into. Don’t short from (-) to (+). Test with M119 before you try to do a home.

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Here’s the Archim1 page:

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Didn’t even think to look at the 2.0 board, pretty sure its just the drivers that are different between them

I had confirmation from the people that make the Archim 1.0 that the pins are the same way round as the 2.0 for the end stops

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So sheds completely insulated now walls and ceiling, and today I built the bench :blush:

So all that’s left is to run electrics (in the new year) will run off an extension lead for now, and move the MPCNC out there.


Little update from yesterday, MPCNC is moved in :slight_smile: and making CHIPS!:):slight_smile:


Making chips means you are officially part of the crew now!

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Took 6 months but I’m there, time to dial everything in :slight_smile:

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SO my little brain has been thinking,

I have a touch plate that does z height

Could I do the same for X and Y using the min pins for those as well, I know I would have to change the direction in marlin so when I send a G28 it moves right instead of left and effectively have 3 touch plates 1 for each axis

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You can. Set the HOME_DIR for XY to +1, then use the xmax and ymax pins.

Then, report back to show off.

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Video on how I use my touch plate


First cuts


An update


Spoil Board Video


4 Sided Milling

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Hi Robin,

I’m curious to know what’s the model of your makita router, and what was wrong with the the chinese spindle that made you decide to change?
Thanks, W