New build in the UK, perfectly timed: Coronavirus

I’m 99% certain it’s part of the font, I went with something fancy!

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The extra little circles look like lead-ins to me. You can set those to zero, at least in fusion, to get rid of them. Then it should plunge and retract vertically without leaving the marks.


Ps. How close are you to trying some Arsenal badges? :smiley:

That’s worth checking for, I just assumed they were part of the funky font.
The arsenal badge came out really well! What was slightly irritating was I didn’t expect it to work first time, so I just ran it on a bit of board right next to another logo I had been practising on. I’ll run another on a decent bit of wood and maybe have a crack at painting it. Thanks for the code, much appreciated!


It looks good! It’s the first time I’ve shared a gcode file so I wasn’t sure if it would turn out.

Well done. Very impressed.

Not 100% sure about the Arsenal badge but hey ho, live and let live :blush:


It’s most certainly not for me :wink: