New Build in Manassas, VA

Cool. And hello from a fellow Virginian (not far from Fredericksburg and Culpeper). I’m not too far from Manassas and grew up in Fairfax so have spent a lot of time in your neck of the woods. In fact I was up that way last week.

Nice job on your build. It’s cool to see as I’m new to all of this and just joined and posted an into. So seeing this is so cool and inspiring.

As for your colors, I was debating about worrying about colors or not. After all it is a tool. Or so I’m trying to say. So seeing yours not color coordinated is nice.


Thanks Jeff! That is definitely an option… I do like the idea of hold down clamps especially if I am doing signs.

Hey there Neighbor! (Tom)

You are welcome to drop by and take a closer look (properly social distanced, of course :sunglasses:). I am new to all of this too (I bought my 3D printer on Black Friday), so I claim no words of wisdom - just my own lessons - helped tremendously by this awesome forum. :smiley: It’s kind of funny, but for me it is like the culmination of my life experiences has made this project uniquely fun - Auto mechanic out of high school, Electrician and advanced electronics in the Navy, IT and software development now! All skills that I have used for this project, along with a few others. Great fun!