New build in Clapham, North Yorkshire, UK

Looks like it isn’t talking at all.

Yeah, if you have standalone drivers, they will act like drv8825s. They will work fine, but you need to adjust the current with the little screw potentiometers on the boards. If you can talk to them over uart, they will let you set the current through the software, and do stuff like change modes and stuff.

I have soldered those tiny jumpers on some tmc 2130s. I am pretty good at soldering, and I’ve done some easy surface mount stuff successfully and that was pretty hard (but I did manage to do it right.

It also looks like it is only expecting XYZ to be smart drivers, not 5 of them. I’m not sure what is going on, but I don’t think X2 and Y2 is configured right if you expected them to be uart tmc 2208s.