Hi Guys,
Still using my good old MPCNC for making stuff. Those past days I’m finally finishing my electric motorbike’s battery box, and I needed to build a big enclosure to protect the battery monitoring hardware. So I made a quick design and threw it onto my MPCNC.
I had a very weird issue and didn’t find the reason why this happened, but the print pausedweirdly somewhere after printing about 10 mm high. I waited for an hour but it never restarted. I managed to save the print by editing the gcode and restarting from the failure point, but since it did not acount for the bilinear bed leveling at the restart that wasn’t really a good print. Plus I ran out of black filament later, so this wasn’t really a smotth process this time.
Still no idea why it paused, I didn’t have anything weird on the Gcode, the printer didn’t show any error… Looks a bit like the SD card got disconnected for a brief moment, I don’t know. Really hope it won’t happen again.
Anyway, it worked fine in the end and the BMS box works as intended. I’ll print a slightly improved version later and cover it with carbon fiber.
Installed on the bike: