MPCNC Primo Schneewittchen Reanimated - Oldenburg, Germany

First prototypes of my wife’s birthday present (earrings with the family’s names). Needs colour and a little adjusting. Left one is obviously 3D printed. And I all did this with an axis that is not squared (4mm off). :smiley:

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Sorry, I am not an expert for earrings. Just thinking anatomically, I guess you need some matching adapter, or?

SCNR, :slight_smile:


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She’s getting earrings with the family’s names but hers. She is wearing them. :slight_smile:

First real project. Everything that looks bad is bad design on my part (too small, like framing the mill twice etc.). The rest is spot on, no skipping, no moving, just great.
My working area is 55x75cm and it is still really precise. Plague is 15cm wide.


Still looks damn good! :+1: The sail extending beyond the oval’s border is a nice touch.


Project 2, a wardrobe for the Barbie. If you can’t think and are bad at maths you are going to do it twice…

Back to LibreCAD. :expressionless:


Or QCad.

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The Generator is insanely good. Found another one there that does registers, but since you commented on it as well I guess you know. Thanks for that link!

And you really should cast an eye on QCAD - lots of 2D-goodies for a very modest annual fee.

She! Mind you … :wink:

Are you happy with the Prusa Mini? The builds look quite good, but that does not always mean a lot…

Yes, it’s great. I am really, really happy with it. Z has to be adjusted sometimes for different filaments, but I think that might be true for every printer (I don’t know though). Someone also commented on the ghosting on the core in another thread, but it did print the core with 0.3 in 22 hours. Can’t really complain about a little ghosting though. Benchy is also near perfect.

I finally figured out why my machine is not square in it’s original form without tightening the screws: the spoil board I bought from Hornbach (large German hobby market) is a parallelogram by 4mm. The plate is 90x90cm. That explains so damn much because I based my measurings on distance to edge of plate. -_-

The questin now is: Do I move the two feet that might be off or do I work with the machine as is (since it is square now after adjusting the core screws)?

@jeffeb3 what would you do, allknowing jeff?

/edit: If I wanted to move the feet, could I just unscrew them and move them 4mm without disassembling the whole machine? I know the measurements so it should not be a problem, should it?

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I’m not Jeffe, but I’ll give it a shot… How well do you sleep at night, and how much does your machine being out of square impact that? In the context of your answers to those questions, consider the effort it will take to move the two offending feet and truly square up your machine. There is some deep, personal calculus that has to be done there, and it could be a variable thing that causes the probability of moving the feet to tend towards 1 as time increases.

And yes, I think you probably could just unscrew those two feet and nudge them over 3-4mm to square everything up. You might want to double-check your belt tension, but everything should be good to go. Oh, and loosen any bolts you tightened to get the current configuration square. Basically, get it all loosey-goosey again, square the feet, then snug what needs to be snugged.


Thanks. I just didn’t tag you because I forgot the KV before the cum. :slight_smile: Your suggestion sounds like I’d have done it. Will try it tomorrow, because I won’t sleep well otherwise. :smiley:

Yeah, it’s the Dutch ancestors. Apparently there were five VanBuskirk brothers who came over to New Amsterdam…

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I’m not the mechanical expert here. But in my experience, it is very hard to move screws that are 4mm wide 4mm over.

How about move and rotate… So you and screw in new holes

The solution was more simple… Measure four more times, be confused that the difference is in opposite directions in the corners (which could not have been because the plate really is 90x90), figure out that your cheap 90° angle is off… I am just going to add manual endstops, since the test cuts were good.

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Make sure to put “buy reliable square” on your to-do list. I have written “bent” or “untrustworthy” on a couple of “beater” framing squares for when precision isn’t important, but I make sure those aren’t in my hand when precision is required.