MPCNC Perpendicularity

The machine can easily rack when the motors are off, or if you ever skip steps. The key to square cuts is having a consistent starting procedure that includes having the gantry in a specific location when you start the motors. After that, it will move in lockstep, until you skip a step. It is the same principle as the dual endstops, just less automatic.

I do have the dual endstops setup and I spent quite a bit of time adjusting X-Y movement with no issues since dialing them in, very consistent.

Alright, the verdict is in - figured why not install it, I already printed the parts! So I did… and it works like a charm! Here are some photos showing the dial reading after adjusting the set screws. I ended up installing top and bottom parts. The set screws have a teflon lock-nut on the inside and a nut on the outside to lock the screw once adjusted. Basically the set screws push the main screw/bearing against the Z-body conduit pushing it in the negative direction or releasing it, to the positive direction. I used 2 set screws to have one on either side of the bearing for better adjustment.


Looks nice but isn’t that a too long lever that will minimally bend anyway?

I was wondering the very same thing. Even when I use a metal rod to attach these kind of gauges, the reading vary a tiny bit, so I’m pretty sure plastic will be even less accurate…

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isn’t the bend going to be the same in all directions though?

It’s only 15cm long and the profile has a spine to minimize bending. That’s not to say it won’t bend, but if it does, it’s negligible, e.g., a few thousands of an inch…