MPCNC 2.8w $100 laser add-on complete

@Leo69 I have places a 10 kOhm resistor on the TTL output on the Ramps board.
The step when i should adjust the current to 1,75A to get the max out of the laser, is stopping at 0,7A.
Yes, the laser diod is connected.

You’ve confirmed that the fan power is on full (S=255)? You’ve confirmed that you have 5V on the Ramps TTL output pins with fan power on full? Are you controlling fan with LCD or sending Gcode with host software?

Post a pic of the entire test set-up if possible. I’d like to help more but not familiar with your driver version. If we can’t get this figured out then I wouldn’t mind trading you my spare driver for yours, if you’re at US address. This would give me opportunity to test and update the write-up accordingly.

Ok awesome, thank you. Just wanted to have my ducks in a row before I have my dad bring his surface pro3 over to flash it for me so I do t have to move my tower and monitor the other room just to flash it. Unless if anyone knows if it can be flashed via octoprint from my raspberry pi

I have one for you.

Email me your address.

Mine worked the same as the instructions, and if you pull the TTL plug it defaults to max power…oops.

Thanks for digging in to my problem.
I have tried both setting the fan output with Repetier and LCD.
Checked the voltage with S0 = 0v and S127 = 2,5v S255=5v

The thing is that the laser i working but i don´t think I can get full power out of it.
I don´t have any test setup. It´s a complete setup.

I have a 12V 20A Power supply that feeds both the MPCNC and the Laser, That should not be a problem.
Maybe I have a to thin wire from the TTL module to the laserdiode. I took the same wire that i´m using on my steppermotors. LED RGB 4-led wire.

As soon i can get a new A/V meter I will check whit that as well, maybe there is something wrong with my meter on A reading.
It´s not the cheapest one i got, but there can be errors anyway.

I´m from Sweden so it´s quite expensive to transport.
I ordered a new TTL module today to see if there is a problem with mine. But i would take several weeks to get it from Hongkong.

I posted some pictures in the Facebook group.
They where to many and to big to upload here.
This forum is loading very slowly for me.
If there will be more pictures in this thread i will upload them to facebook if it´s okey.

Do me a favor and try something for me. Disconnect the laser and connect your meter to the driver laser output instead and follow the steps for the driver VOLTAGE setting with these exceptions:

  1. Connect meter to laser output as in guide
  2. Turn fan to full power as in guide
  3. Adjust voltage to 6.5V as in guide but BEFORE you adjust voltage, turn current adjust 5 full turns clockwise.
  4. After the voltage has been adjusted to 6.5V, turn the current adjust 6 full turns COUNTER-CLOCKWISE.
  5. Connect the laser diode and continue with the current adjustment procedure.

I just want to be sure the driver is at it’s operating current threshold when the voltage is set. I have the LED light to let me know but you don’t so I figure we can try cranking the current up, setting voltage , then cranking back down before connecting the diode for final tuning.

Please give it a try and let me know how it works out.

Also , you mentioned that the laser is coming on. Hot enough to burn things after it’s focused? If so then I would repeat the tuning with a different meter. It’s possible a cheap meter won’t read the current level past a certain point. I had one that wouldn’t go past 1.4amps and then I used my other meter and found I was actually at 1.9amps and had to adjust down.

I will give it a try, with your instructions and return with the results.
I can burn in wood and paper but have to have the feedrate about 2-400 mm/min

Ok sounds like its definitely under-powered. I just posted a test version of image2gcode for you to try on the software forum. I think the bug is related to comma decimal separators used in your country so keep me updated on both issues. Thanks for the feedback.

The fan ports is labeled wrong, or how ever you want to look at it. So follow the PDF and hard wire it.

I tested as you described.

  1. Connect meter to laser output as in guide
  2. Turn fan to full power as in guide
  3. Adjust voltage to 6.5V as in guide but BEFORE you adjust voltage, turn current adjust 5 full turns clockwise.
  4. After the voltage has been adjusted to 6.5V, turn the current adjust 6 full turns COUNTER-CLOCKWISE.
  5. Connect the laser diode and continue with the current adjustment procedure.
  1. Check
  2. Check
  3. With 5 turns on the current adjust I was not able to get it stable on 6.5V. It shows everything between 3V and 22V. It get out of range in 0-10V settings on the meter.
    I ended up take the current adjust 1 turn counter-clockwise, so it been 4 i total. Then I was able to get i stable at 6.5v. When i was playing with the voltage the LED was turned of at the lower voltage. I didn´t notice exactly when it was turned off becouse of the jumping in voltage with 5 turns on the current adjust, but at 6.5v it was turned on.
  4. The result was the same as before, It stopped at 0.77A on one meter and 0.72 on another.

I will try to get my hands on a Fluke meter but i´m not sure when.

I tried it on 2 of my drivers and it worked as it should, and I got to try out the g2 lens as well.

I think you might have a bad driver, if both meters showed the same result.

I think so as well.
I contacted the seller, and waiting for replay.
I ordered a new one from another re seller, Too bad is take so long time for the delivery.

I also have to say that i´m really happy and impressed about the MPCNC, I haven’t done so mush with it so far but it´s really nice that we are able to do so mush different things with the same machine.
I only have a Dremel on it at this moment because the routers are quite expensive in Sweden. The Dewalt is about 250$ if i can get it at all.
This was just a notice but thanks for your good work.

Ebay buyer protection is really that you have to wait so long but you can probably use your current set up for some wood engraving In the mean time.

I am really frustrated now, I can not get the firmware to flash, if someone could walk me threw it or help me please!!!

Have you flashed the board successfully before? On same computer? Did you select the correct com Port and board type? What type of error are you getting?

no this is my first attempt at flashing this. I have flashed my Prusa i3 with a RAMBO 1.3 mini from this tablet before with Arduino 1.0.6… I just installed Arduino 1.6.7 (IDE) and added the u8glib to my library and updated all libraries. I have com port 1 (only port on the tablet, used to flash Prusa before)… I have board: “Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560”…
I am getting a lot of red text when verifying. but it still compiles, so when I go to flash it, the load bar goes to the end and says processor time out and I get no response from the mpcnc no led flashing or anything

sorry it says “timeout communicating with programmer”