Makita RT0700 End mills: Import Ryan’s 1/8” collet and end mills, or buy 6 or 8 mm end mills in EU/China?

Use whatever you can find.

if you have a hard time accessing 1/8" bits, then use metric endmills.

This CNC machine was originally designed in the US and as such tends to use a lot of US components. If I lived outside of the US, I wouldn’t hesitate to use whatever local materials I could source that fit.

You shouldn’t have any issue using metric end mills on the machine. Just be sure and put the appropriate specs into your CAM software so it knows the size of the end mill you’re using.

I wouldn’t bother with trying to source a 1/8" collet.

I would buy the cheaper end mills at first. You’re going to make mistakes and it’s going to ruin a few fairly quickly. When you get to where you’re burning up end mills because of use and not mistakes, then look at getting the nicer quality end mills.

I would recommend trying to find single fluted end mills. Those tend to work better at the faster RPMs most of our routers are running. I’m not sure, but if your makita supports variable RPMs, then you can probably use 2-fluted end mills. I wouldn’t get any end mills with more flutes than that…


That one is not going tot fit on the Makita rt0700.

Thank for chiming in.
This is the right one?
763637-1 - Spantang 1/4" bovenfrees |

Edit… 1/4" :frowning:

Thank you for your input!

It is both a matter of imperical/metic, but maybe more importantly about the size.

1/4” and 6 mm is similar in size, and much larger than 1/8” or 3 mm.

What is the reason for the general recommendation of 1/8” single flute above 1/4” single flute?

Is it due to:

  • Price? (1/8” is much cheaper)
  • No technical benifit? (1/8” can do everything a 1/4” can, and maybe even better)
  • Better match for the performance of the LR and typical router? (Low rigidity in the frame, weak motors and router means a smaller end mill is more suitable)

(As a side note, I really like this forum! Everyone is so nice and helpful.)

I have a MPCNC, so can’t speak to the lowrider itself.

I also need to apologize. I wasn’t paying attention and thought 6mm was closer to 1/8" and 8mm was closer to 1/4". I had the conversion in my head wrong.

For me, the 1/8" end mill is better because it cuts deeper into corners.

I have and do use a 1/4" end mill on some of my work. I typically have to cut slower on the MPCNC with the larger bit due to stiffness and lack of power on the smaller dewalt 660. I use the 1/4" when I need to pocket out something large.

I think I’ve seen quite a few people using 1/4" bits on their low rider when cutting out larger parts from plywood and other materials.

The 1/4" end mill won’t be able to get as detailed as a 1/8" and will leave a larger radius on the inside of corners.

Bigger bits remove more material, and they generally trade off in speed. If you are pocketing something out, or surfacing a board, then the larger bit will be faster on the whole, but smaller bits can cut slots faster (they have the advantage of just doing less work, removing less material). But material properties are a universal problem, and super tiny bits will have to go super slow to not break. I think 1/8" or 3mm is a good bit for most slotting/cutting out. And I think that is at least sort of confirmed by the prevalence of 1/8" saw blades being the most common kerf size. It just is a good balance of strength, with little waste (and wasted time). I can’t imagine cutting a sheet of plywood through with a 1/4" saw blade, but people often want to cut out a part on the CNC with a 1/4" bit. That just seems counterintuitive to me.

I also live in Europe and I would like to have a 1/8” collet too. For now I ordered this:

I haven’t tried it yet, 1/8” bits are on the way.

I considered a cooler converter to ER11 or so, but it adds extra length which I don’t like…

While these are similar in size, a 3mm bit will not stay in a 1/8" collet. I’ve tried and it will not tighten up. Same with the 6mm vs 1/4" If you decide to order bits from China then for 1/8" you need to order 3.175mm.

I have also ordered an ER16 adapter for my Makita and various ER collets from 1mm up. The shaft sticks out quit a ways even when put all the way into the router.

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You are really not making this easier…it seems like I need some smaller (3mm or 1/8") bits.

The different proposals with ER collets etc seems a bit clonky, and possibly with a high run out.

Thank you all for the input, I think it is time to order the 1/8" collet and pay and be happy :slight_smile:

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I use a 3mm Chinese ER11 collet with my 1/8" end mills with my Makita without issues. I think I paid about 10 dollars for a set of 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 mm.

What did you do to make the ER11-collet fit to the Makita?

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Can you please link the ER adapter that you purchased to fit the Makita.

I just ordered the 1/8” collet from Elaire. It was 350 SEK/35 euro including shipping, but not tax. Hopefully the custom will not see it… :unamused:

Now is the time to go shopping some 1/8” on AliExpress!

No adapter required: Upcut bits or downcut bits for a novice...?

Sorry I can’t find the specific one, but a search on Aliexpress for “ER11 collet” has many.

i use that with standard makita…you need just put this part in your makita colletÅMÅŽÕÑ&dchild=1&keywords=adapteur+1%2F8+collet&qid=1610669417&sr=8-2

Those do not fit a Makita Router. This is what an ER adapter is. 5b3b1e9b8b4a6490ec85e94f578547c66c27b842_2_375x500 8f68058941c6a2868133c9fcf18b42b2b562a422_2_375x500 e252a6a50d7339c2b3930febcd215b39618d873a_2_375x500

I think he means that the ER11 collet (by luck) fits in the Makita like a ”normal” collet would. Since I have allready ordered a 1/8” collet from Elaire, this is not for me but hopefully interesting for others to know!

These are ER11 collets! ER11

They require an ER Clamping Nuts in order to function correctly…

My understanding is that these clamping nuts do NOT fit the Makita and without the proper clamping nuts the collets will not work correctly.

Maybe I’m wrong but I don’t think so or others would be using ER11 collets.

See the post I linked above. I’ve been using them for a while with the original collet nut. They don’t look like they should work, and they shouldn’t work, but they do.

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