LR3 - Trouble editing strut length

Hello, all. I will be making my LR3 a little narrower than my LR2, so that it can ride on top of a 4’ X 8’ table. I read the instructions for editing the default strut length in Fusion 360, and I’m sure it’s operator error, but I get strange results when I try to do that. Here’s what’s happening:

  1. I open the model in Fusion 360 and select the 1st sketch to edit:

  2. I change the width (1400 mm) to what I need (1193 mm):

3: When I finish the sketch, here’s what I get - an incomplete strut, and 1 error message:

I’d appreciate some input from anyone who is better at Fusion 360 than I am (which is almost everyone) as to what I have to do different.


You also need to edit the rectangular patterns for the new length.Click on the pattern square on the left hand side, near the center of the rail, and edit the X dimension from 1385mm to 1178mm (1193mm -15mm) and it will resolve itself properly.

I did my own parameterized version, and there’s an OpenSCAD version on Printables.

I just did the edits for you though, so here it is.

1193StrutPlate.dxf (25.3 KB)

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If it is close and you want the same number of holes, you can just scale the design in CAM. 1193/1400= 0.85214. The important limit is the number of brackets and the keyholes still need to fit screws. IDK if 15% is too much or not. Might be worth cutting a test piece.

Thanks so much, guys! @SupraGuy, I did find your parametric version on the page linked from this forum, but couldn’t see the OpenSCAD script to download. However, I did just find it on Printables. I’ll give that a shot, but I really appreciate your taking the time to modify the strut file for me!

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how did you do this I don’t see the pattern square lol? I can only edit the value wWilliam could. I want know so I can learn lol I need my struts 1079mm.

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The icon circled in red is the pattern square, where you can change the feature. This will allow you to change the key holes so that they match the overall width that you set.

Here’s the DXF edited to 1079mm
1079strutplate.dxf (25.7 KB)

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thanks a bunch!

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Hey can you edit a strut for me? I need it 1039.83 mm thank you very much in advance.

Hello @Takohtuesdays! LR3 Calculator was updated (late Aug) to enable builders to download Strut .SVG to nearest mm. Enter your Usable Cutting Area dimensions, then click on Download Strut .SVG link. Hope that helps, cheers!

I tried to use the svg file provided but its only giving me a quarter of my deminsions.

What are the Usable Cutting Area dimensions for your build?

Will this work for you?

it’s only giving me a model depth of 275.167mm.

I’m using fusion 360 btw

I like Fusion 360, but we don’t need to use it for making Custom width LR3 Struts.

Can download custom width Strut .SVG directly from LowRider V3 Calculator - V1 Engineering Documentation . After downloading, can create toolpath in EstlCam or other CAM software that understands .SVG

Hope that helps, cheers!

I use fusion 360 for the cam work but it’s not importing it at the right demising. I don’t really know how to use estlcam could you give me a walk through on what I need to do. I think my main concerns are the post processor (flyfisher) that I use for fusion makes it easy to get the machine moving after print is pushed. I think also fusion lets you Define your tool length I don’ tsee that option in estlcam.

I did however import into estlcam already and it had the correct dimensions. (4.4 KB)
There ya go