LowRider v4 CNC - Buck Converter Tray for Ryan's V1E LR4 Jackpot Enclosure - can be attached w either zip ties or screws

“Better out than in, I always say!”

lol…maybe someone will get the reference…

I have mine blowing it in, but I also have a piece of cloth before it so it does not blow all the dust in… :slight_smile:


:poop: :rofl:


But seriously, I always prefer to suck the air out over the electronics…

Why? :man_shrugging:

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That is also how Ryan has the 5015 set up. Sucking out. So seems even though you don’t know why, you still agree with the Master behind the whole thing LOL

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Almost always easier to remove hot air than inject cool air :+1:

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If you want to treat yourself to a reasonably priced good quality DMM the Fluke 15B is worth considering.