Lowrider V3 Endstops Do Not Trigger

Me too! I used this to test. Log in - CircuitLab

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I guess if anyone has a board that had the problem wants to test, they could change their 1.5k pullup resistor to a 2.7k, or run another 1.5k in series and that should get pretty close to the same behavior as the new board, right?



Well we were at 1.7 before and it almost always triggered. This fix gets us to 2.2V we should be fine but a 1k resistor would get us to 2.4V and the suggested value is 2.3V+ so it looks like they took our “add a 1.5k resistor” and didn’t do the math and just changed it to a 1.5k resistor.

I’m not to worried, just more concerned the engineers didn’t fix it right. Glad we have the Jackpot now, just need to work out a connection issue, and it should become the default board around here. :crossed_fingers:


This is excellent news; once confirmed, can someone post a “How-To” for the rest of us who aren’t quite as savvy as the experts?

The easiest fix if you have a board already is to just pop off the endstop leds. That fixes it. You cant see the leds with the board in the case anyways so they are not at all needed.