LowRider CNC- Full sheeter

I should have the parts for sale soon.

With these new parts, I would need 2 spacers, and one of each of the corners, but doubled, because that’s just for one side, right?

yes, times 2.

Does this use the same Arduino/Ramps as the MPCNC? Is the Z-Axis still a threaded rod or lead screw? I just purchased the MPCNC kit and I think I want to make this instead.

Good bye warm garage parking. Looks like I will be parking outside for the rest of the winter… :frowning:

Ramps or whatever.

z axis is 2 leadscrews.

As the BOM is getting finalized, it is looking like $350 for the hardware kit including an LCD (kinda vital). Bummed. I thought for sure it would be much closer to the MPCNC.

Not sure about the printed and cut parts yet. Less printing, but cnc time is more expensive, I can’t run it all night unattended.

Interesting. I would have guessed it was close too. Which it’s pretty close, if the $350 includes the LCD. It also has 2 lead screws, and some goalie wheels.

Is the reason the LCD is vital is because the machine can’t easily be moved? Or is it hard to keep a computer connected?

I would not want to have a laptop and a usb cable near this thing.

Wheels, spacers, leadscrews/nuts, couplers, LCD, more belt, 5" & 4" bolts… My next order I will try and renegotiate all my prices but shipping usually offsets it. I’m think I might have to go back to China in Feb/March and just fill a small container, even that takes a huge order to offset the flight and hotel cost.

I am at an odd spot where I would have to kind of double sales to get things cheaper, but then I would need full time help which is not free. The business end of this is getting very complicated.

maybe you could offer a preorder of sorts prior to your trip to china?

Pre-ordering would stress me out, that would feel like being in debt!

I need to find someone that I can trust that knows this kind of stuff. Robo came into a large chunk of kickstarter money so there problems were different when they first got started and it lead them to being sold a few years later. I would rather keep my company. I guess just slow and steady deal with the growing pains keep improving on any aspects that I can, and be fair and honest with my products and prices is all I can do.

Keep the MPCNC sales going, offer the simple bundle for anyone who wants to get into this one, and maybe the skate wheels. let the end user decide on the level of difficulty. if they want to go ful sheet, then they can part out the rest. no one is forcing you to sell everything, or grow bigger than you feel comfortable with. just take it one step at a time.

How do you evict that the mechanism move itself in the way that the image shows with the arrows?
I append the image of the piece in a red circle who evicted the movement of the PrintrBot Crawlbot but I can not see which piece do the same work in the LowRider CNC


Maybe this will make it more clear.

But it is only the friction of the wheels what prevents it from moving and stop with the base?

Oh, I see what he’s asking. What’s keeping the side assembly’s from moving side to side along the X axis during cuts?

Hmmm, well I think it is a two fold answer.

Hopefully the grip from the 4/8 wheels is doing that. Just in case the z rails can actually be set to slide along the table. Make sense?

I have a question
I was watching the page https://jscalc.io/calc/JDMsz9ediG9bvm3E “inch calculator”
but I think that it has an error in the next image I rounded with red color
it says “2X’s Lead Screw Length (min)” but I think that is 2Y’s Lead Screw Lenght (min) because they are for Z axis

am I right?

In this case you can think of the "2X’ as ‘two times’. In other words you need two of the lead screws. It doesn’t actually tell you where the lead screws are used. Another instance of English being imprecise.

I’ll make it lowercase. Sorry I hate typing on anything other than a typewriter…I miss whiteout.

@vicious: Well… I’m in China, lived there for the past 10 years, and I know these things pretty well. Maybe I could help if you want :slight_smile: