LowRider 3 (SKR Pro), recommended Wifi/Headless option?

Hello @joer18!

Setup, used and modified ESP3D on the ESP01s wifi module with my SKR 1.2. Homing, Jogging and keyboard shortcuts with ESP3D were great, they worked the way I wanted from my amzn fire tablet with BT keyboard attached. Wireless upload of GCODE is so slow and restrictive it’s not workable and I ended up copying GCODE to SD cards. Not ideal, but this was an upgrade and better than having unreliable USB cables dangling from a laptop to the LR3. USB cable fail midway through multiple jobs is what frustrated me enough into getting a wifi module.

Not long after, I accidentally killed my SKR1.2 immediately after upgrading from 12V to 24V (my fault, I didn’t ground first when wiring power convertor for the fan).

The SKR 1.2 was great, but I wanted the option to do unusual upgrades in the future and used this opportunity to try out an Octopus v1.1 controller. Octopus was more work to setup. The SKR 1.2 is better documented, tested and understood on this forum.

Since I liked the ESP3D experience I ended up setting up ESP32 module compatible with Octopus.
This was meant to be temporary, because the plan is to eventually end up with V1PI or Octoprint, and try Klipper. Lots of sender/controller options out there that people like/dislike for various reasons.

Even with wifi, the TFT is handy to have attached so you can tell ip address, when client connects, etc… Selecting SD card job to print even. On the SKR 1.2, because of code and/or limited number of serial ports, you may need to forfeit USB if you want both TFT and wifi module (Marlin configuration edits required, assuming you’re using Marlin).

Used and liked Doug Joseph’s case for my SKR1.2, ESP01s wifi module fits.

Ended up printing/CNC’n a new configurable case for my Octopus v1.1 controller.

Hope info here helps.

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