LowRider 3 CNC Plasma - Design8Studio logo cut in 18 ga steel

LowRider 3 CNC Plasma - Design8Studio logo cut in 18 ga steel


And here I am struggling with the drag knife… :sweat_smile: Really awesome job!


I like it!


LowRider 3 CNC Plasma - Design8Studio logo cut in 18 ga steel - PART 2 - The Bends!

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Any concerns with spatter hitting your printed parts there around your torch and melting? All the plasma tables I have seen are covered in junk.

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I suppose it’s bound to happen eventually. One thing I could do to minimize the chance of that is to position my torch further down in the holder. That would raise up the core and the plastic holder further away from the source of the spatter. No problems so far.

Very awesome thanks for posting and making all the videos.

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