LowRider 3 CNC, LR3 Release notes

For LR3, digging thru the forum, feels like Makita > 611 > 660. Difference between Makita and 611 not being much.

Was deciding on spindle, part of that involved thinking ahead to probable future mods… Wanted to understand whether the Makita, or the 611 will be easier to modify with tachometer and/or speed control using SuperPID or similar, or some cheaper V1E or custom triac/POT solution even. Operating at known speed, and sending a single job with multiple paths with different speeds would be nice to have in the future. Am coming from Genmitsu 3040 which lets you set and vary speed through out a cut, but no tachometer, so who knows what actual speed is, especially as load varies.

Found @iamthesoundman’s Makita mod to integrate SuperPID Building A CNC Machine | Part 4 | Super PID Wiring & setup with Makita RT0701C | MPCNC Motor Control - YouTube, very helpful, cheers for that!

Sticking with my Makita! Unless someone convinces me otherwise, please let me know soon though, am spraying my Makita to color match my core, as soon as I can track down high temp rainbow spray paint.