Lowrider 3 calculator

Hi! Trying to build a lowrider 3 but i’m stuck at the belt calculator. I input my values but nothing happens. Is it only me or have some else also experienced this problem?

Hello @Tommyl, welcome!

Do any of the Tube, Belt, Strut and Table values change when you edit values in the Usable Cutting Area fields within LowRider V3 Calculator - V1 Engineering Documentation ?

Am using Chrome on Windows, is working for me. Curious what browser and OS you’re using?

Please let us know if Download Strut .SVG is working or not for you, that was recently added.

I’m using firefox on macos

I typed in the values and that did’nt update anything but if i klicked on the up/down arrow it works now. Thats is wierd i tried that just before posting.

Downloding the svg works

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Hi Tommy, and anyone else needing this info,
I found that after you type in your usable cutting area dimensions, underneath that is XZ plate thickness.
Under that is the all important reset button-which you click on after you have input said usable area, and… Bamm, you new dimensions for everything will update.