Low & Slow. This is gonna be a while

Dang. I have only had to deal with this once. I get a lot of flack for always shipping insured but this is the exact reason. The shipper will give me an “I’m sorry” but make the insurance process an absolute nightmare, even when I do get a written statement from them, that does not …anyway nevermind that.

I think PayPal was the right avenue. I would have done it and I am on the other end of that every so often. I am confident you will get your money ASAP, while it was not the laser companies fault it went to the wrong place, lack of insurance was their gamble and they lost that bet so they owe. Don’t feel bad about forcing their hand a bit.


Well, the LowRider2 is dead. Long live the LowRider3. This probably closes off this topic.

Just to cap it off, I started a dispute via PapPal, which seemed to change the Neje shop’s tune a little. They offered to ship me another laser, and asked me to close the dispute. PayPal says that if I close it, I cannot open another one, and to wait until I either have product in hand, or a refund, so I let them know that I would wait for one or the other, so they refunded me. I was going to wait until the refund hit my credit card to re-order.

As it happens though, a local buy/sell group has a Neje A40640 laser module with <50 hours use on it. He’s asking about half price for it, so I’m going to go take a look this evening. Like as soon as I can drive there…

Anyway, the laser crisis is resolved. Though I dislike it, PayPal’s resolution center seems to have made for a good outcome for me this time. (The Neje shop’s opinion may differ…)


Good to hear! Perhaps you’ll save a few bucks in the end?