I decided to add several versions… One with plug and one without for those wanting to add steel pipe for added strength. I feel the pla material is enough strength.
.OBJ / Stl are included so would be neat to see a few re-mixes.
Just for a contrarian point: I used a cam clamp system like this for years, but eventually scrapped it. It’s great for speed and being low-profile when just through-cutting something out of a piece of otherwise-scrap stock. The downsides for me were that the lateral pressure always flexes the stock somewhat… so if you were trying a precise cutting/engraving in a finished piece or a dual-sided job, it was difficult to get things to line up exactly where you thought they were. It might be 1/16th off, compounding to 1/8th for a dual-sided job. Thinner stock would bow under the pressure resulting in imprecise pockets. Through-cuts near a clamped edge couldn’t be too near to the edge because the force would start bowing the edge material into the previously cut path.
It’s great if it works for your workflow, just keep in mind the limitations!
This is my new favorite.
I’ve got t track, cam clamps, all that, but painters tape and CA is just too easy.
Edit: Activator spray is also a huge help. Tape both pieces, lay glue down on the bed, spray the other, press together for 20 seconds. Pry up with a putty knife when done.
Look up NY CNCs clip on YouTube about it for examples of strength.