LCD display setup

Hey guys, I searched a few times, and scrolled through the topics here, but I can’t find the instructions on how to attach and configure the firmware for the mini Rambo and the LCD interface sold in the shop.

I’m sure that it’s documented somewhere…

But I don’t seem to be bright enough to find it. Thanks in advance for the help!

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Just plug it in.

Attached is my setup, and the result. What am I missing?

That screen is not the need to change it in the firmware. If you look at the page in my store it shows the exact line.

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I looked there first, here’s what I saw…

[attachment file=54756]

Just says that it needs to be edited that I can see.

I looked there first, here’s what I saw…

[attachment file=54759]

Just says that it needs to be edited that I can see.

// RepRapDiscount Smart Controller.
// Note: Usually sold with a white PCB.

// GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller
// Note: Usually sold with a blue PCB.
//#define G3D_PANEL

// RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller


// RepRapDiscount Smart Controller.
// Note: Usually sold with a white PCB.

// GADGETS3D G3D LCD/SD Controller
// Note: Usually sold with a blue PCB.
//#define G3D_PANEL

// RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller


Do not cut and paste mine, you need to edit the firmware yourself or it is very easy to make an error.

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Down towards the end of the configuration.h file is where the display defines are located. You need to change yours so it has

// RepRapDiscount FULL GRAPHIC Smart Controller

Commented out, so you’d add the // to #define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_FULL_GRAPHIC_SMART_CONTROLLER //MPCNC

Then up a dozen lines or so uncomment

// RepRapDiscount Smart Controller.
// Note: Usually sold with a white PCB.

So it reads #define REPRAP_DISCOUNT_SMART_CONTROLLER Get rid of the // .

After that compile and upload to the rambo. That should get things running for you.


Damn, Ryan beat me! :lol:


Thank you both so much for the help!

The LCD is working great!

It is my first time here and thank you for this great MPCNC design and all concise documentation with great support.
while I am waiting for my -display and graphic controller, I have set up a Ramps 1.4 with a ReRap Discount Smart controller -a leftover from the 3D printer I have designed and built.

Printed all the parts and am ready for assembly but unfortunately, I can not get the LCD working with any of the firmware from Github nor with help the Configuration.h on Ryan’s page.
My bench test setup above is working with my Marlin I used for the 3D printer but no sigh of anything nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn
nn…in best situation.

I am grateful for any comments

There are only two tricks. You have to have the lines edited the way barry said above, and flashed to the board.

The second trick is you need to have the two plugs oriented the right way. The keys are sometimes backwards. There are 4 ways to swap them, and none of them hurt the board or lcd.

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Thanks, Jeff I have edited as Barry suggested.

I have commented out the line for the Graphic controller and activated the basic Smart controller in Configuration.h
The ribbon cables for me are parallel between the Ramps and the LCD and it works with my copy of Marlin firmware for 3D printer.

I have solved it and happy to share my findings to get RepRapDiscount Smart Controller running.

First, please follow Ryan’s, Barry’s and Jeffeb3’s guidance. to setup the connections.
Make sure the line in ~1870 commented as shown below:

but uncomment the line in ~1730:

Then, comment the two program lines below as shown with “//” -in the front of “#…” in “Configuration.h”



This RepRapDiscount Smart Controller is an early model -not a graphic type hence, you can do without the “U8glib” library in …\Users\xxxx\Documents\Arduino\libraries\ …for this configuration.

Thanks again for all your help.