Laser Build in 2020 - New Developments?

I have a problem. And that problem is I can’t stop building machines.

I already have an MPCNC I use for milling. And I’d like to build a dedicated MPCNC for laser engraving and cutting. Have there been any major developments or improvements to lasers on the MPCNC since Leo69 created the guide in 2016?

Here is the guide I’m referring to:

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I’m sure others will chime in who are much more experienced than me, I believe they’re still actively developing the laser portions of the firmware… still very functional though.

I’d say that guide is still helpful, but somewhat outdated depending on the laser you buy… you don’t need to build one from scratch. they’ve made a newer page since that PDF i believe, Main - V1 Engineering Documentation My experience with the laser on my MPCNC has been great, and quite easy.

I bought my laser from Amazon, 2.3 watt, constant current driver, which made things very simple.

I just updated my machine to the latest Ramps firmware available , 414.

If you are going the RAMPS route, here are the changes in firmware I did to make it work. you wouldn’t have to modify the steps per mm.

just hook up your laser control pin to pin 44 after that and you’re good to go.