For me, I’ve never been bothered by wires. The issues I find with using a second microprocessor are:
- Lack of smooth movement (not a huge issue and possibly solvable)
- Interference when using two serial inputs (i.e. cannot use it while a job is running to make any adjustments)
- Lack of coordination/sync between the control board and the pendant
All issues Jamie mentions or alludes to.
For the last point, I can request the current position from the control board, but, because of point 2, I cannot request it repeatedly/automatically. I need to do it manually, and if I forget, it is possible to ruin a job. Points 2 and 3 could be solved if the SD card reader and g-code sender were part of the pendant.
Here is my pendant. I built it shortly after I finished my Burly. I know a lot more now, so maybe it is time for a V2.