Joker inspired MP3DP

Fits the MPCNC mount perfectly as is, I think I can fix up the MP3DP mount pretty easy. Plugging it in shortly.

[attachment file=37679]

Are you using a normal stepper?

Nope I have there tiny one.

I do t have that one. Is the voltage the same?

I am waiting on a response about the amperage.

1.4A, just finished lunch. Back to work.

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Okay so no issues so far, using a .9 degree stepper at 1.4A on the aero, I changed the E steps to 837, left the voltage of the driver since ours are 1.5A and this is a 1.4A (I am monitoring the stepper temp), and the therm to #5.

I also did turn on the #2 fan prt at 50C for the heatsink,
[scode lang="{language}"]

  • Extruder cooling fans
  • Extruder auto fans automatically turn on when their extruders’
  • temperatures go above EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_TEMPERATURE.
  • Your board’s pins file specifies the recommended pins. Override those here
  • or set to -1 to disable completely.
  • Multiple extruders can be assigned to the same pin in which case
  • the fan will turn on when any selected extruder is above the threshold.
    #define E0_AUTO_FAN_PIN FAN1_PIN //mpcnc
    #define E1_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1
    #define E2_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1
    #define E3_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1
    #define E4_AUTO_FAN_PIN -1
    #define EXTRUDER_AUTO_FAN_SPEED 255 // == full speed[/scode]

No issues, so far, maybe you got a bum stepper.

Do you have extras?

I don’t I only bought 20 sets. Amazon is great about it though, return that puppy and get another.

Think yesterday was the last day.

Got a new one on the way.

How’d that test print come out?

So far so good.

The stepper is a bit warm so I will turn down the driver a bit on the next round but pretty close.

Awesome, I got it working. I was just putting the fan line wrong. I really need to study this firmware thing. Speaking of which, do you know where to find the Arduino file for the original Prusa firmware? I’d like to look it over and see what in it. All I can find is a .hex file. and it doesn’t seem to do me any good.

His firmware is not the same as ours, it is heavily modified. Him and his team seem to be leading the innovations right now, a lot of the stuff we use comes from his branch eventually. The Marlin team seems to kind just get stuck making this work with all the weird boards and screens that are coming out, and adapting to different geometries.

So basically even thought we have the same board it’s useless to us?

Also this new machine is 50x quieter than my old machine, before the pump is turned on. I could have this thing running in my bedroom and beable to sleep. I had it on the other day and my wife didn’t even notice. Is that the steppers or the Rambo? If it’s the steppers than I’ll think I’ll order two more to replace x and y on my old machine. if it’s the Rambo it’s going to have to wait a bit.

It isn’t useless but why would you want to change the firmware? If you don’t have a specific reason there is no reason. As far as I can tell right now his has some axis calibrations that work with his bed sensors, and the mixing extruder. The rest is the same.

What is your old machine? For me the Robo’s that I have are in a giant plastic shell and make an ungodly amount of noise compared to any other printer I have ever used, and I have pieces of dynamat stuck in it. Your frame is made of basically noise absorbing material. The hardware is pretty much the same on all printers.

My first mp3dp. The Orange one and wood one.

Hmm, there should be a drastic difference. Wood will be louder but not by that much, maybe just the surface it is sitting on now? I have all mine sitting on the noise absorbing material from the hardware store, kinda looks like fluffy mdf.

No its sitting in the same spot as my old one for now while i get it working.