Is there a G28 "home" button in the default firmware?

I saw a touchscreen button that looked it would send the device back to “home” but all it seemed to do was nudge the unit a little bit — relative to where the unit was located at the moment — and “set” a new home. It was like it “set” a new home that was oddly placed near, but not where, it was at the moment the button was pressed.

But what I was looking for was a button that would send the unit back to its current 0,0,0.

Is there a G28 “home” button in the default firmware? Am I missing it?

G28 doesn’t send to home, it measures home. By using endstops.

You probably don’t have endstops plugged in, so they look triggered already.

You’re sending G28 with that button, which moves the machine until the endstops are triggered (which is immediate) and then it sets the 0,0,0 there.

Go to 0,0,0 would be G1 X0 Y0 Z0. But that is a pretty dangerous move, because you will not be at the clearance Z height. So it will happily crash through your workpiece to get to 0,0,0. G0 X0 Y0 is safer, but only if you are already up.

Ah got it. Yes, I have no endstops set up, and I’m manually setting home in prep for jobs, and was looking for a button to get back there. A G0 X0 Y0 Z20 is probably more along the lines, or actually
a batch of “G0 Z20” and then “G0 X0 Y0”. Something that would respect the “Safe Height” I had already set. I’m controlling the device entirely with the touchscreen and use of SD cards for the g-code files. I may look to tweak the UX to add a button. ??

If you’re using the stock Rambo board, you may find this helpful.

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Thanks. I will read that thread to see what I can learn there.

I’m not using a Rambo board — my LowRider 2 kit buy had offered the BTT SKR and BTT touchscreen, so I went with that. However, I’m thinking that changing the menu should not be a huge deal.

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I’ve done that sort of thing on my BTT SKR & BTT touchscreen system. I created a new “Actions” button on the front menu and have it point to the list of custom gcodes that are usually hidden under “settings → machine → custom”.

Here’s a link to my build
Cincinnati Lowrider2 Build

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Thanks for the info and link to your awesome build. I will probably be looking for your STLs if you made them available (on the 3D printed custom stuff).