Interesting world stats

Also if you scroll down the fox article, you will see Cuomo posing in front of face masks and some other stuff that I’m sure hospitals could use. I guess it makes for a good photo OP tho right?:thinking:

Well, we’ve also been told Kim Jong Ding-Dong is no longer a nuclear threat. :rofl:

But the real point is that medical experts are predicting an unprecedented need for ventilators and they are NOT the type of thing you can wait 'til you need one before ordering one, even if delivered the next day the one needing it is likely in a refrigerated trailer by then.

And Anna Nicole married for love​:joy::joy:

Have you ever heard of the Ventilator Allocation Guidlines? In 2015 the New York State Task Force on Life and the Law New York State Department of Health put out a report. In it it says they were around 16k ventilators short or what would be needed for a severe influenza pandemic.

Here is a link to the report.
So yeah, they knew back in 2015 that this was a problem. For those that don’t know, Andrew Cuomo has been Governor of NY since 2011. I don’t think it’s unreasonable to expect more from elected officials. He knew they were 16k ventilators short back in 2015. New York has had roughly 1200 deaths attributed to the coronavirus. My question is how many of those lives would have been saved if he actually did something useful, instead of playing politics with peoples lives…

I know there is a fine line here, because the government is so involved with this, but we don’t like to talk politics here. So let’s tone it down a bit. Neither trump or Cuomo are the main topic, and I would like to avoid making this forum like the cesspool the rest of the Internet has become.

I am pretty sure we have said what we need to about Covid too, so I would suggest just dropping this in general.


I agree with you, Jeffeb3.
While I am a skeptic and contrarian, I refrained from replying earlier.

For me, I’d prefer to read and learn about CNC here.

I’ve found lots of places to argue about Covid-19 elsewhere.


Fair enough Jeff :facepunch:t2: :sunglasses:


And even for the otherwise healthy it ain’t just the flu. I saw an estimate today of a 10-20% hospitalization rate for those infected, here in the US I for one am scared of that hospital bill!