Images/slideshows/promotional videos of v1e

That is so cool. My spell check must be messed up, my bullet points are crazy looking :laughing:


Someone fell into the keyboard. :stuck_out_tongue: Arbeidsflate sounds understandable though. :slight_smile: I love seeing and trying to read languages I don’t understand. :smiley:

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I was picking up a prescription and the pharmacy had a translation list so you could point to your language. It was fascinating to me. Each said basically the same thing some use a lot more characters than other to say, “please point to this box to indicate your native language”. super cool to she how different language is.

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Have you tried the live translations with Google Lens (and similar)? It’s kind of freaky how quick and accurate it is.

If you don’t understand multifunksjonell, you are not really the teacher that you claim to be :wink: :smiley:
