How are you guys compiling software I want to build my own?

Hey guys,

Building a lowrider 3 & I purchased an SKR MINI E3 V3 and want to build a version of marlin for it. Do you guys build the firmware with the auto build marlin in VS Code? and is it possible to run klipper on the machine?

Welcome Braylon!

SKR has Marlin firmware for the E3 Mini at this GIT HUB. I’d suggest that is a good place to start.



I haven’t ever used the auto build marlin. I use platformio, but I just use the command line. You can also build it in platformio in vscode, without the auto builder.

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Are there any specifics for the cnc I have an skr e3 v3 running klipper for an ender 3 max printer and have the config file for it….

I seen that you were trying to run klipper for your mpcnc any luck?

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I use Klipper on my 3d printer. It will work fine for a cnc.

VScode has a great Auto build marlin addon: