You probably need to compile it. Check the date on that file to see if it has been updated or not.
It does look to be the newest one, I will try to take a look this evening.
I will post the files when I get a chance to test it.
You probably need to compile it. Check the date on that file to see if it has been updated or not.
It does look to be the newest one, I will try to take a look this evening.
I will post the files when I get a chance to test it.
This marlin one from ESP3D repo includes Lucâs edits to change default key behavior based on your/Ryanâs feedback.
The link you found does not include my key remapping and Terminal typing changes.
The link I shared yesterday should have key remapping and Terminal fixes.
Luc and I are still working on the pull request. Lucâs pushing for changes that make it easier for key remapping feature to eventually have less error prone UI that avoids Users have to type in text.
After Luc approves the pull request I submitted, then the changes made will get merged and absorbed into future builds of ESP3D that everyone uses. Hope that helps, cheers!
Thanks Aaron
For some reason, the new one you posted yesterday doesnât work for me. I lose the key mapping box.
This one-
But if I upload the very first one you posted, it comes back. I added the key map script and itâs working great. Iâll hold off doing any more until you guys think itâs done. I have no coding knowledge and donât want to muddy the waters for other people
@Neilp, ugh, youâre right, I was wrong. Just occurred to me while showering, and your message confirms, cheers for the info.
Because of how github merges work for binary files (like .gz), yesterdayâs link pointing to my branch had my changes until I merged Lucâs edits only (so no key remapping). Needed to merge Lucâs edits to rebase my pull request and resubmit.
Iâll create and share a separate set of immutable/unchanging links later today. Sorry for the confusion. I edited yesterdayâs post to hopefully avoid wasting anyone elseâs time until final build is available.
I appreciate it, thanks Aaron.
Does Marlin requiring uppercase GCODE terminal input bother anyone else, or just Neil and me?
Any other helpful ESP3D changes or enhancements that would maximize User experience for headless, or Wifi enhanced TFT scenarios? Cheers!
I didnât think it bothered me, but now you mention it, yeah, thatâs kinda annoying
Are we just high maintenance?
I am used to case sensitive, so it doesnât bother me.
@vicious1, able to share the configuration.h you generated using the ESP3D-Configurator tool? Would like to use the exact same content for my experiments trying to make wifi behavior more reliable, and/or easier to troubleshoot. Thanks!
I think I have it linked in the first post, it this it,
That zip contains the firmware.bin that folks should use to burn firmware onto ESP01S chip they didnât buy from V1E store (which already have firmware installed).
Hoping you can share a copy of the configuration.h and platformio.ini files you used to compile the firmware binary?
configuration.h and platformio.ini were created when you used the ESP3D-Configurator tool. I want to use the same versions as you. Will look something likeâŚ
;This file was generated by ESP3D-Configurator V1.0.0-a15
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
src_dir = esp3d
build_dir = .pioenvs
lib_dir = libraries
libdeps_dir = .piolibdeps
data_dir = esp3d/data
default_envs = esp8266_1MB_wifi
platform =
board = esp12e
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_echo = yes
monitor_filters = send_on_enter, colorize, esp8266_exception_decoder
; set frequency to 160MHz
board_build.f_cpu = 160000000L
; set frequency to 40MHz
board_build.f_flash = 40000000L
board_build.flash_mode = dout
upload_resetmethod = nodemcu
upload_speed = 115200
extra_scripts = pre:platformIO/
board_build.ldscript = eagle.flash.1m256.ld
lib_ignore = ESP32SSDP
build_flags =
This is my most recent version. I think it is right.
I do have a second one with a filesystem changeâŚNot sure which is right.
;This file was generated by ESP3D-Configurator V1.0.0-a15
; PlatformIO Project Configuration File
; Build options: build flags, source filter
; Upload options: custom upload port, speed and extra flags
; Library options: dependencies, extra library storages
; Advanced options: extra scripting
; Please visit documentation for the other options and examples
src_dir = esp3d
build_dir = .pioenvs
lib_dir = libraries
libdeps_dir = .piolibdeps
data_dir = esp3d/data
default_envs = esp8266_1MB_wifi
platform =
board = esp12e
framework = arduino
monitor_speed = 115200
monitor_echo = yes
monitor_filters = send_on_enter, colorize, esp8266_exception_decoder
; set frequency to 160MHz
board_build.f_cpu = 160000000L
; set frequency to 40MHz
board_build.f_flash = 40000000L
board_build.flash_mode = dout
upload_resetmethod = nodemcu
upload_speed = 115200
extra_scripts = pre:platformIO/
board_build.ldscript = eagle.flash.1m256.ld
lib_ignore = ESP32SSDP
board_build.filesystem = littlefs
build_flags =
I didnât keep that good of a file set as I assumed I would be doing it all again for updates and making the instructions page.
Just tested it, works flawlessly homing Z in between. G28 Z
Between files, home Z then probe gives you no errors?
Thatâs great. I was so confused the first couple
Times until I saw the link between the move distance and my safe Z. Then it clicked.
Nope, and it gives more room to change the endmill!!
I just assumed that was how it was supposed to be done. I canât imagine sticking my long bits in there otherwise, without removing the router. But then thatâs a whole other barrel of potatoes
Thanks for the platformio.ini files.
Able to share your configuration.h?
ESP3D will soon enable Users to configure key shortcuts for their Macros as well as Jogging (Lucâs pull request is awaiting merge into 3.0 release).
Keyboard shortcuts for macros!!! Yay!! Thatâs sweet (2.6 KB) (864 Bytes)
Got top be one of these, I need to open a gihub repo I could not attached a full zipped folder.