Forum Topic View Settings

From looking at the plugin, it might have been what you installed when you were getting the #gallery-mpcnc stuff working.

Okay here are the options (of hundreds) So remove all mobile stuff or just some?

Yes it was for the gallery

That post said " I suggest check the component settings and turn off topic excerpt setting." Is there a topic excerpt setting?

Oh, I see, you have those. :man_facepalming:

So turn off all mobile other than TAGs? (tags are the gallery)

That makes sense. But the proof will be in the pudding.

boom, looks good on my phone. Is that what you like?

Oh yes. Thank you.

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I will leave those settings open so if any of you find something else that did not change let me know. I have strong preferences about desktop stuff but mobile is all you!

Looking at the gallery, I think there is something else wrong…

I was looking through the MPCNC one, and some of the thumbnails are a little strange, so I went to the topics, and there are better images in there. But when I go to select the thumbnail, that choice is gone. I can’t edit the post and pic a specific thumbnail anymore.

I know you were hoping to spend the day looking at forum settings instead of CAD. So I’m happy to put this stuff on your plate :slight_smile:


Yeah I tried that myself yesterday.

Didn’t think anything of it because there was only one picture in the thread. Let me look

No worries. I can take a look. Forums are a high priority for me.


Looks a lot better now. Thanks for the quick turnaround!

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Mobile looks great now! The full-screen version is still with a long preview-text. I’m not sure if I like it, but as mentioned, I’m just estranged by change in general :smiley: perhaps a preview, but a shorter one?


Thank you Ryan, far better now.


I’m finding the same. The preview isn’t as bad on the desktop version, because more screen real-estate, though.

I do kinda like it on the desktop. I was thinking give it a couple of days, if we still find it a hindrance, lets ditch it. Kinda lets me skim really fast.


The Suggested Topics at the bottom of the desktop view has expanded as well. It looks like it’s about half again as much room taken up than before?

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If the excerpt is going to stay for desktop, would people prefer it be from the latest post instead of the earliest? (Assuming that’s an option)