I am new to FluidNC and the Jackpot controller. So far, it seems SO much better than my old Marlin/RAMPs, and approaching the capabilities of my grblHAL firmware in the Teensy.
But I can’t find where or how to fine-tune squareness by adjusting the racking of a dual-motor axis. I can of course just physically slide the endstop on the rail. But in my experience, that is tedious to get right. Did I just overlook a racking parameter in the config.yaml?
In the settings foy the Y axis, you have a section named Pulloff: thats under each declared motor for the x y z axis.
You have to make the diagonal measurements and then change the pull off (then reupload the file, reset and check your measurements once again until you get near perfect squareness). Have fun
" The above method assumes your switches are mounted squarely. That is definitely the ideal setup. If this is not the case, you can use pulloff_mm: settings in the config file to compensate for this. This is the amount the motor reverses after touching the switch. By using different values for each motor, you can compensate for misaligned switches."