ESTL Cam Change X and Y axis

My Table is setup so that the long axis is Y and the axis is X; is there a way to change ESTL to mirror these changes ?

My table with current settings in ESTL Cam

What I would prefer to have

View → Work area

Wouldn’t he also have to change the machine by either physically rewiring (hard to do on a LowRider) and/or in firmware in order to make the new layout work?

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Good point, I guess we need a little clarification.

I had thought OP was just asking about changing the view in Estlcam and not necessarily the actual machine (swapping Portrait and Landscape mode type of thing).

Clarification is needed. My guess was that he wanted to make use of the real estate of the monitor, which is more landscape than portrait, but leave the machine with a long Y.

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Then changing the work area should work.

" * Working area: displays a simple rectangle with adjustable size. You can use it e.g. to check if something exceeds the dimensions of your raw material…"

This is correct, I would rather have zero be in the lower left of my window (to match the machine).
and have the code run as such, if it will help I can post a pic of machine as well.

I am one of those people if my layout and machine matched it’s easier to picture the layout
It’s easier for me to mentally picture stuff if the layout in estl can and my table were the same

This is the normal setup.

I would suggest that you leave the table settings in Estlcam alone, and either edit your drawings to suit, or their placements by rotating the .DXF in Estlcam. It will be MUCH better if the output from Estlcam makes sense when you’re laying out material on the table.

If you just swap the X/Y axes, you must either change the machines physical origin (If you have endstops) by reversing the direction of one of the axes or else you end up with a mirrored image.

Personally, I find it much easier to deal with keeping the origin where it is. It does mean that the way that I look at the machine isn’t the way I usually look at the CAD (I stand beside the LowRider, so the Y axis goes from my right to left, and X goes away from me) but usually I’m standing at the base when I’m placing my material. (Typically also because this is the way that the CAM is laid out.)

You can certainly change the machine to run the long axis as X and the short as Y. With serial wiring it’s a matter of changing the plugs. It’s a bit more involved with a dual endstop Primo, because the endstops are a part of the trucks. In your second image, the origin (0) point of the machine would be the top left instead of the bottom left. With a serial wired machine, you could arrange it the way you show by reversing the direction of one of the axes.(I would suggest the new Y axis.)

A serial LowRider is the same. A dual endstop LowRider is somewhat trickier, and would require either a recompile of the firmware, or else reversing the direction of one set of endstops. In my case, switching the single X endstop would be relatively simple, but would place the origin of the machine somewhere invonvenient for me. Reversing the Y endstops would be … annoying.

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If you’re looking to swap the physical Axis, this should help (and is what I followed when I did mine).

This assumes you are running the Marlin firmware:

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Added a picture of my machine , I would prefer my origin to be lower left
Which would mean
x minus would be down
x plus would be up.
Y minus is left
Y plus is right

How it currently is is my origin is upper left so
x minus is up
x plus is down
Y minus is left
Y plus is right

Not a huge deal just trying to have the software layout match the machine. Haha

In Fusion 360, I can just rotate the view/camera to what is most convenient. Thinking outside the box, you could get a rotating monitor mount and rotate the monitor.

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If you do it this way, you will get all of your stuff coming out mirror image, because your origin is now bottom right, and it needs to be bottom left.

If the origin is the “lower left” then you need to swap the axes.

Y then runs the single motor in the sled. Y+ goes “up” away from you.

X then runs the 2 motors on the plates. X+ goes towards your left.

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So the solution is just leave everything now it is and just change the way I picture it mentally. No a big deal. Haha thanks everyone for the input.

Either change your mental picture or swap axis :slight_smile:

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Looks like changing my mental picture is the easier of the two haha


That’s how I do it. I picture the final result standing at the end of the table.

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