Dual endstops help

kv’s brand of humor is self deprecation, extended to everybody. No offense should be taken.

If you’re making a calculator, sure, but if you can do the math with a regular 10key calculator, then you wouldn’t need a calculator. It may also mean more people understand the equation and can find any mistakes in their using that tool.

Heh… OK. Let me make a few points, observations, and perhaps confessions.

Yes, they do. And yes it would, even though there are pretty big signs saying “FOR ADVANCED USERS”, and endstops are painfully optional.

It can sure seem like it, though. Especially if you start telling people they need to use all sorts of maths and calculators. And yes, I realize you’re trying to take out teh maths by suggesting providing a calculator.

If you haven’t had a headache by the time you’ve finished building an MPCNC or LRV2, you’re preternaturally lucky, experienced enough to know what you’re doing, or just outright immune to pain.

All that said, providing more tools and support is always a good thing. What I was playing off of was:

Which I thought was funny, so I struck up a mildly “snarky” (my definition) reply to riff off of it. It also seemed like you were bagging on folks who were discussing ways to estimate the error correction by hand, not find a shortcut for a theoretical calculator. It wasn’t until later that it appeared that you had mistaken their comments as premature optimization of the aforementioned theoretical calculator.

Jeffe is wise…

@kvcummins, we’re all good. Don’t read too much into my questioning you. I promise that no feefees were hurt here today.

Imma make a new Pokemon called a FeeFee, and it won’t faint. It’ll get bloody and die:laughing:

Poor guy. Your solution got lost in the tilting at windmills that happens when all the ramifications of a problem get explored and a squirrel suddenly appears.


fuckin squirrles.

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Had to do rabies shots because of a squirrel…

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That’s why you should always have a “no teeth” policy. At least until the fourth or fifth date…


The college I went to had aggressive squirrels. My friend got attacked by one until he dropped his chips.

Wasn’t an albino squirrel was it?


UNT is famous for its elusive albino squirrel, heard he’s a bit of an a**hole too


The Norwegian polar explorers actually had huge coats made of dozens and dozens of squirrels furs. If I remember correctly, it was supposed to be flexible and smooth and warm at the same time.

Honestly - I think they just wanted to get rid of squirrels.


We call that Ragnarok…

Everything worked on the first try with my MPCNC (except one loose pulley and the wiggling core (which wasn’t my fault)). Sine I am neither experienced nor immune to pain, I must have been lucky. But as a German saying goes: Gott ist mit die Doofen (God is with the stupid. (plus “die” is the wrong article on purpose)). :stuck_out_tongue:

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