Drag knife✒️ and Laser🔫 Etched (Specular) Holograms

This is so cool!


That is much better, The inside of the logo is looking pretty solid!

LowRider 3 CNC - Add-on - Drag Knife Holder - designed for LR3 Dust Shoe (v2.1)

I’m currently at work on designing a tool-less changer for accessories that will accommodate remixed versions of this new drag knife mount and my previous pen mount, as well as various related laser mounts, etc. More soon on that.

In the meantime, as requested…

The drag knife sold by the V1 Engineering shop has a ridge on it, that made use of my previous remix unusable for it. This is a mash up of Ryan’s frontend and my remix’s backend. :slight_smile:

DOWNLOAD: Printables


Thanks a lot!!

Really looking forward to this!

Here it is!

LowRider v3 CNC - Tool-less Quick-Change Accessory Holder (v3.0)



Here some of my update, made with fiber laser 50w on stainless steel, it’s takes near 17 sec. to engrave, i have only few minutes for tests so it’s not perfect but have some progress.



Nice! Nice symbol too. @Ic_In, what do you think of the results? I had to setup the lighting just right to see anything meaningful on the glossy black acrylic I’ve been using. What’s the line thickness and depth?

Was curious what kind of results are possible on laser. I don’t, and probably won’t ever, have access to 50w fiber laser, so it’s great to see your results.

What software are you using?

Update from me… Been hacking away at the app code shared earlier in the topic, but happy to switch to alternatives that are working better for people? Much of the recent hacking has been spent profiling and removing bottlenecks to speed up processing. Am undecided on whether to wrap up into something reliable and usable enough for other folks to use without them frustrated, or end up with too many questions. If someone’s interested in trying out, let me know, cheers!


I definitely am, but time is tight and the drag knife and I haven’t come to an agreement how it is supposed to work. But I’d love to get back to you later. :slightly_smiling_face:


Quick update showing how to use…


That is a great video!


Have you mounted that laser to the LowRider/MPCNC? Or is it a hole other machine?

It’s galvo fiber laser.

Ros can we get in contact ?
I need your help with something I am also glad to pay for your time in regards to the diferent effects you found on holographic steel engraving my email is professionaltrinity8@gmail.com
Please also contact me on my whats pp 0044 07880 694448 hope we can collaborate together

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Re. the video — “What strange voodoo magic is this?!”


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@Trinity, if you haven’t connected already, also consider reaching out to @Ic_In via discord. We exchanged some DMs forked from discussion on Steve Mold’s discord channel. Hope that helps!


Hi guys I am hiring anyone that can assist me to get the recipe for creating several designs on metal cnc engraving using specular holograms anyone up to the challenge?
My contact number what’s app is 0044 07880 694448

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Aza can we get in touch ?
I am hiring anyone that can help me crack the recipe for metal engraving cnc speculate holografy What’s app 0044 07880 694448 let’s talk :+1:

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Hello @Trinity, sure thing, happy to chat.

Able to share what you’re looking for in this topic, or via direct message chat on this forum?

Laser seems to give better results than CNC.

But CNC can still give interesting results in my opinion, my engraver mount needs stiffening, and/or stiffer XY alternative should be used.

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Hello @Trinity, I just sent a direct message, feel free to respond there, or here even if you’d like the broader community to help pitch in with ideas/suggestions. Cheers!

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How to achieve partial success with strange CNC’d Specular Holograms…

Will share code after cleaning up a bit over the weekend. Hoping people will find interesting/helpful and make further improvements…

2024/1/3 EDIT:

Felt like a lie even as I typed that, oh well…

Shared code at GitHub - aaronse/hz-scratch-hologram you’ll need to compile the source (Windows app).

Shared as-is because am busy with other projects but a few folks seem interested in using/improving.
Held off sharing because features, performance and code layout aren’t where I’d like them to be. All things considered, there’s enough functionality to be useful for a determined patient Maker…

Note you can generate 2D SVG projection of a 3D model without the hologram arcs too.


Ignoring Holograms for a bit. How would you normally convert a 3D .STL model into 2D .SVG line vector art for engraving?