Custom Bart Dring FluidNC controller

Congratulations, you’ve hit the Jackpot! (See what I did there?) :slight_smile:


The next batch should be shipping tonight. I have the drivers, and some ESP’s with more on the way.


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They were up about 16 hours, took a while.

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Can’t wait to hit it!

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Mine finally cleared the border today… shipped july 27 >_<
Probably 2 more days until it arrives


I woke up this morning and had gotten an email at 5:30am that they were back in stock. I was shocked I was able to order a little after 7 lol. And I couldn’t pick between the red and the black so I got one of both lol


Man, now I remember why I have not updated the estlcam setting pages in a long time…this is a boring task. Swapping to GRBL is kind of a lot of little things to keep track of. I will upload my settings file and a screenshot of all the pages.


It’s always the mundane crap that’s the hardest to get accomplished

Well personal milestone. I am done playing…errrr…testing. I have committed and this is the first production run using a Jackpot as a brain.

Feels pretty good actually. I am sure there will still be a lot of little tweaks but the bet way to find them is production!!


First production run through me, but i see now. Congrats!! You have alot to be proud of!! ALOT!


That’s awesome! I’m excited to get mine! So much so I actually started to take the Primo apart to get it cleaned up and ready for the Jackpot’s arrival!!!

Anyone have a case yet? Right now I have the SKR case mounted off to the side for that board but I highly doubt the screw holes will line up lol

Edit: Is this the version of lighburn I need?? LightBurn Software - GCode License Key

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Nice! Have you stopped sneakernet’ing SD cards? Are you just wirelessly uploading files now? FluidNC’s way faster to wirelessly upload than ESP3D on ESP01 → SKR Pro with Marlin right?

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I have a case I need to move the USB hole over 0.5mm though.

Yes and no. I have uploaded a bunch of files today but for me it is faster to walk them over than keep switching networks on the CAD machine. it is about 20 feet away. Changing the settings seems to have really helped the transfers for me.

Yes faster but it seems there might be a limit before there are memory issues. I need to actually check that again with the monstrous Opensauce file. That was the RMRRF logo and the OS log in one file…that didn’t like the wifi transfer last I tried. It is still cutting, or I would try now.


To explain more, I use the same computer for CAM, answering emails, posts, and printing shipping labels. So Changing over back and forth is a bummer. I just use my phone or the tablet to start the cut on the CNC.


Running FluidNC/Jackpot in AP mode. Haven’t tried, or gave up trying to join FluidNC / Jackpot to same network your CAM/email computer is on?


I didn’t know those screwdrivers existed in the store either, or I’d have grabbed one. (I have a lime green one that I picked up somewhere-maybe MicroCenter, they’re great)

I need one to put in my laptop bag. On my list for the next time I order something.


My network is a bit shakey at times. There are a ton of random devices on that. AP mode is rock solid…and I have an extra tablet.

Silent release…sorry :nauseated_face:


I’m just dumb enough to try adding a USB wifi mini dongle to the laptop, and dual-home it.
The dongle connected to the ESP32 in AP mode with a static IP and no routing table.
Then leave the regular laptop wifi connected to the shop network.

Might need to have a hosts file or use an IP address in the browser to connect to the FluidNC, but in this crazy scenario you wouldn’t need to switch back and forth.

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Just make sure apmode does not hand out a gateway address.

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It’s is fast (and I’m in standard mode, not AP), but sometimes it will just hang and crash
The file may or may not be completely uploaded, so you better re-send it…
This does not seem related to size, but rather to the memory and cpu state of the board or maybe some wifi intermittent connection… hard to say…

There’s an esp32 version of marlin with espwebui, wonder if it’s more stable…