Custom Bart Dring FluidNC controller

Party at your house! Lol

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Ohh qc I like that!!

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Could you have a tested board test other boards, like they do at the Sony factory in UK making Raspberry Pi boards? I was watching a video recently on that factory where after the final assembly they have each pi tested by another pi for quality control.


we were talking about that at mrrf. The board needs test points available for that, and test firmware.


The manufacturer wants that but I am not sure they realized this doesn’t have a CPU. I would need to talk to them more. The more I think about it test points are nice but in reality in a board this simple I am far more worried about solder connections. The esp32 boards can be tested more rigorously, but a test fixture for this would be fine I am sure. That test the connections as well.

Oh yeah, If I build a fancy fixture it will probably run off a esp32. I will probably just run a test gcode though.

Give me some time to make the changes and I will. Looking at his mosfet boards, he has those on the signal pins, so great minds think alike not sure why mine was changed. I will add the gate resistors as well. And look into the zenier, if most uses are SSR’s instead of relays?

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RPG kaboom tank.

hqdefault (1)

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Ok so it turns out my ESP32-CAM has the gpio 12, 13, 15, and 14 available so this should map directly to the Jackpot expansion slot.

I got bidirectional communication (just UART @ 115200 baud) going with an Arduino pro micro.
That means I can start on the pendant without needing the rest of the board, and it should just drop in when the time comes.

But before I get too far, I should probably take a look at how it would integrate with FluidNC before I box myself into a corner in the API definition.


That is exciting, wired or wireless?

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Oh wait, the esp32 lets you use a wireless keyboard right, and then we just map the arrow keys? I have a keyboard sitting here and never used it.

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An SSR won’t need it, nor will small relays for the most part. It would be for bigger relays doing spindle on/off type duties, I would say.


I’m aiming for wired. I’m thinking the arduino would live on the expansion board so the signal integrity with the esp32 is not subject to the user’s flaky wiring. Then a long ribbon cable hooks up to a “dumb” pendant/joystick which produces effectively DC analog signals that I think should be robust to interference.


Dude, your skills amaze me!


I’d love a jog wheel pendant


How does that work?

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ESP32 hosted web server that you could access from a tablet which happens to have a wireless keyboard? This is my LR3 setup (ESP3D on ESP32 module connected to Octopus v1.1, browse via amzn tablet with BT keyboard).

Not sure if Ryan was instead thinking a standard wireless Bluetooth keyboard can directly communicate with ESP32 running a Bluetooth host stack?

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My google-fu looks like they use an esp32 to converta keyboard. I would recommend @vicious1 to reach out to bart and see what is or can be built into fluidnc, that is the end goal, right, to use fluidnc? Or is there something else for these boards?

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This :point_up_2:

So Jono is learning me. I think we have all the indicators situated…and balanced now. I am going to try and rework the power plane before our 4th celebration starts.


KnightRider! LOL

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I read through this, but you guys are way above my level of understanding here.


I second this. But doing my best to follow along and learn what I can from the sidelines lol