Custom Bart Dring FluidNC controller

That is exciting, wired or wireless?

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Oh wait, the esp32 lets you use a wireless keyboard right, and then we just map the arrow keys? I have a keyboard sitting here and never used it.

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An SSR won’t need it, nor will small relays for the most part. It would be for bigger relays doing spindle on/off type duties, I would say.


I’m aiming for wired. I’m thinking the arduino would live on the expansion board so the signal integrity with the esp32 is not subject to the user’s flaky wiring. Then a long ribbon cable hooks up to a “dumb” pendant/joystick which produces effectively DC analog signals that I think should be robust to interference.


Dude, your skills amaze me!


I’d love a jog wheel pendant


How does that work?

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ESP32 hosted web server that you could access from a tablet which happens to have a wireless keyboard? This is my LR3 setup (ESP3D on ESP32 module connected to Octopus v1.1, browse via amzn tablet with BT keyboard).

Not sure if Ryan was instead thinking a standard wireless Bluetooth keyboard can directly communicate with ESP32 running a Bluetooth host stack?

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My google-fu looks like they use an esp32 to converta keyboard. I would recommend @vicious1 to reach out to bart and see what is or can be built into fluidnc, that is the end goal, right, to use fluidnc? Or is there something else for these boards?

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This :point_up_2:

So Jono is learning me. I think we have all the indicators situated…and balanced now. I am going to try and rework the power plane before our 4th celebration starts.


KnightRider! LOL

I read through this, but you guys are way above my level of understanding here.


I second this. But doing my best to follow along and learn what I can from the sidelines lol


Wow has this month been hectic in a whole new way and I love it!! Prepping for and going to MRRF is done, unpacking is not…Prepping for Open Sauce is in full swing.

Back to this board. I have spent at least an hour each day on it. Mostly learning the tools but eventually actually making some changes. Jono has been checking my work and helping to make this more robust in a few ways. I sent out for a new batch of test boards yesterday and approved them just now. so they should be here in about a week. I should have a couple of those to ship out for the super brave…I actually have a few of the prototypes to ship out if you really want to get your hands dirty. If you are interested, the board is 10mm larger than the release and the input voltage mosfet area LEDs are not working, but you can do some firmware testing if you are board.

I have some ideas for production and I just found out PCBWay will actually produce and ship them and give me a 10% royalty. That actually sounds pretty nice for international users. Local users you might want to get the board with a flashed esp32 and drivers directly from me. I also might offer a US made option for a while to see how people vote with their wallet. Excited new uncharted territory.


I still need a board for my potential laser build. :smile:

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Those are getting tested tonight or tomorrow night. Provided you do not need a Z. If you need a Z these boards are a good idea.

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Is there a store with the other PCBs that are available from pcbway? It sounds like the kind of things with neat projects. Like tindie.

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yes pcbway and seeedstudio but have markets I think.

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Seedstudio is another option but I think they are the highest cost, but they are willing to package and source some things as well.

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Yeah, PCBWay have a weird assortment of stuff on their website. I haven’t made use of any of that side of it, but I’ve looked at it a few times because you get credits for buying boards through PCBWay that can be spent on stuff like that.

They have ‘shared projects’ and their ‘gift’ store, but both seem to end up in the same backend.

There’s some fascinating looking stuff on there. In the past I’ve scrolled through and seen some remarkably questionable designs, though, especially in the home automation section once mains gets involved, so it’s definitely a case of buyer beware.

Seeed Studio seem to be a lot more curated in what they have, with a lot of it being in-house designs. We’ve used their Wio Terminal hardware for a bunch of things where it’s nice to have a screen, some buttons, some basic IO and WiFi connectivity out of the box.

@vicious1 The Wio Terminal could be a good candidate for making a cheap hardware tester, now that I think about it a bit more. It would probably need an expansion board design to go with it, though.