Crazy Cheap 3D Printers

Just got my daily Microcenter sale email and figured I’d pass it on to anyone who has one near them.

Here’s a screenshot directly from their site.

Edit: Of course after checking all locations say out of stock. :roll_eyes:


DANG!!! and I thought 99.99 was good!

Man, I would love to know exactly what Creality pays for one of these all said and done. If their normal price is 199 that means they have to be supplying them delivered for 99 or under.

Thanks for the tip!


This one is for the office.

$75.76 after tax.


I just bought an artillery X3 from banggood for $100

I just installed klipper on it, and sure it’s not the best quality out there, or the fastest you can get, but still 500mm/s at 12k accel is pretty damn good for this price


100 bucks, wow! (Riley, you do not need ANOTHER printer!!)