Connecting JTech laser to Rambo 1.4 board

I’m sure its bad for everyone but having the young and distracted is unimaginable to me

They need me now more than ever. Yeah, they’re young and I’m 60 years old. It’s a lot, but many don’t have a male figure in their lives so it’s more than teaching, it’s being a role model too and believe it or not, these kids have really stepped up studying at home. I’m blown away. When things are at their worst, even the kids are rising up. It’s really encouraging .


I love hearing things like this

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I’m the spouse and son of educators. Much appreciated, and I’m always happy to see an engaged, empathetic teacher! Hopefully, there will be a greater widespread appreciation for teachers after this round of forced home schooling is over, and we can finally start treating teachers as the valuable resources they are.


Yes my mom was a grade school aid and dad tought high school math. So I do hope people’s appreciation improves with this also.

Well thank you to your parents too. Let’s hope. Now that parents are having to deal with teaching their kids all day, it might just change the dynamics for teacher support. A lot of parents are going to have eye-opening experiences. A lot already have and some even threw in the towel and gave up because it was too hard and were overwhelmed.

Cool. Thanks to your parents too. I hope so too.

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With my kids (5,2) at home, I have decided that teachers should be paid $20k/year…per kid. Teachers are amazing.


Damn! I wish. It’s a calling. This is one of those jobs like being a cop (I was a cop for a long time), you either love it or you hate it and can’t do the work. There’s no middle. I’m fortunate to have both careers I love. Back surgery ended one, I’m able to do the second so here I am until my last day. No retreat, no surrender. Thanks the great support. This too shall pass and eventually we’ll return to the old way. The future is unwritten but it will be exciting to see what’s next. At 60, the kids make me feel like I’m 30. I love it. It’s incredibly hard and frustrating but I can’t think of anything as worthwhile and world changing as what I’m doing now. That is a serious rush. Hug your kids and teach them a second language.


Because knowing more than one language primes the brain to learn mathematics. Weird right?

The same part of the brain that acquires language is also the part that does math. People that speak multiple languages also tend to be engineers. Let that sink in. What’s your children’s future look like? You can decide that right now and set them up for success. And it’s easy. I can prove 100% what I’m telling you. I’m a psychologist. I have three master degrees. I’m kinda sorta smart…


Don’t forget music! Music helps with math, too! Wife was a music teacher before she became a counselor. :musical_score:


Music is a language, so is C++, Python and more. Music, language (computer and foreign) are all located in the same part of the brain as math development.

Music especially is math related. Math is the universal language. Your wife is awesome!


Yes, the Jtech lasers can receive 12V from the fan pins (I’m using Fan 0 on my Rambo 1.4 board) and it converts it down to 5V as long as you have the laser driver as well. If your laser needs 5V then there are specific instructions depending on your board on the lasers page in the v1 docs. You’ll have to edit the firmware to assign the correct 5v pin.

Hi Jeff, laser update. Here’s a video of the 15 watt laser from

Here’s the website to purchase it. . is to a 15 watt laser.

Here’s a video of a complete laser kit the tests are at the end.