Looks like your a bit light with your power supply, Your spindle is 400W plus some losses at the speed controller. You might want to get one 500W or bigger, I see a few 500W for a few bucks more.
Yes, I probably should have gotten the 500W supply. Doubt I will be running it under full power but if it turns out to be a problem I guess I will have to spring for the higher current model.
So I recently switched to the 500W spindle… I haven’t really done enough cutting to say this definitively, but I think it’s a bit slower and a bit cleaner than the DW 660. It has a lot less vibration it seems. One downside though: the mounting distance is completely off. I’m probably going to need to re=drill the Z axis.
I’m jealous! Although I’ll be honest, full speed on my new spindle is a fraction of the loudness from cutting the wood… Those brushless ones usually come with a Hall sensor though… Now that would be cool to have!
I’ve got a 2.2HP spindle on my ShopBot and I don’t need to talk loudly to be heard over it (if I’ve got my speeds & feeds right! ) I suspect it’ll be similar with this little spindle. We’ll see.
Amusing update - the seller actually shipped me a Tarot X6 hexacopter kit instead of the spindle I paid for. That went back to him last week and the spindle should arrive on the 21st.
I’m pretty excited. I have flown a bunch of quads and a few wings a long time ago. You can see the giant quads I had on thigiverse. The FPV thing looks like it takes away all the things I didnt like about flying. Like trying to figure out orientation at a distance.
I would probably go nuts if I didn’t have a pan/tilt - it’s my understanding that you don’t normally use those on quads. You’ll have a hell of a lot of fun though! If I were you I’d build a sit-down platform that’s rigged the same as a helicopter. That’s an intuitive control system with quads.